Biggest Rippoff

Education & Science

ATI is a major ripoff they will steal your money. I was an HVAC student The quality of education is very poor over 80% of the students are ex felons they are only there to keep there probation officer happy. The school promises tp find you a job at the end they showed me a paper saying they have 100% job placement that is a lie The school continually lies to you until they have your money then you find out the truth that you have been robbed This school is being investigated by the government to see if the fraudulently took federal money which they do all the time All the good instructors quit because the school will not pay them anything which leaves complete idiots which I would not let anywhere near my AC Stay as far away from these people as you can and if there are any good lawyers out there I believe this is a good case of fraud

Company: Ati
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Oakland park
Address: 3501 nw 9 ave
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Air Safety Flight Academy
Glendale, arizona not very good school, not honest, cheat students

Air Safty Fly Academy
Good or bad fly school?

Academy Di Capelli
School / instructors

Iverson Business School and Court Reporting
Consumer Fraud

Bryman College
This school is just out there to collect payments from financial aid that they sweetly sales talk students to apply and promised them that thay can pay the loan because of job placement. I will not recommend this school even to my worst enemy! Ripoff

In Hungtinton Park It is unfair its ripping off all the students that come here to waist there money and learn out dated material

Moultrie Technical College
MTC unfair treatment

Casa Del Sol, Saranac Lake Mexican Restaruant
Casa Del Sol Saranac Lake Mexican Restaruant Ripoff Illegally over works minors Putting Minors behind the ovens Sexual Harassment of employees And just bad managment Saranac Lake

Kress Employment Solutions
Sent fradulent check for a "Customer Service Evaluator position"