Continental Academy
Scam big ripp of Tempe

Education & Science

We paid over 2k for my son to finish getting his education through this school. ONly to find out that he can not get into any college on it at all. He has to go get his GED in order to enroll in college. I have contacted them numerous times and all i get is, we were accredited when your son was school, we chose to withdraw our accreditation. That does not help no one will take his fake Diploma. I want my money back, all this school does is take peopled money and they get a fake diploma in return. Please someone do something to stop them.

Company: Continental Academy
Country: USA
Address: 7665 S Research Drive Tempe, AZ 85287
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Continental Academy
Scam, diploma mill, online education

Continental Academy
Company scammed me for my money. They lost accreditation and I was dropped from school... Now oweing thousands of dollars that I cant pay because of no degree...:- (

Contiental academy
I got a highschool diploma through this school, that is a fake, no college will exept it

John Adams High School
Not accredited

Fake high school diploma

The Lincoln Academy High School
Lincoln Academy Home School (Fradulent Online Diploma!)

Belford High School
Fake diploma Charged scam Online

Cornerstone Christian School
Bad school

American Academy
American Academy is a complete ripoff. They offer fake high school diploma internet

Continental Academy
Consumer Report