Ctu Online
Misled, lied, trapped, deceived, deceitful, manipulative

Education & Science

I started CTU on 4/5/09 and graduated 5/21/10 and right away I became concerned; I was told that I was going to have to take some math courses and I had explained that I was going to need "extra" help with any and all math classes due to the fact that I was not a traditional student. I made it quite clear that it had been at a least a decade or two since I had any dealings with the subject (other than the basic maths that is in everyday life)

I was assured that I would be able to receive help with a "tutor" and with the type of math I was going to be using I could also get help there (COMPASS/MYMATHLAB). Welll needless to say I I ended up with a 'tutor'and I use that term very lightly. I ended up with shotty edcuators with very little concern for my issues and I had to take the course three times before I was able to pass it with a c (meanwhile my graduation date had been moved back) I also had a hard time because my mother had been diagnosed with cancer and was given only months to live. I decided that I needed to continue because I knew thats what she wanted me to do. I began to realize (after it was to late to do anything about) that the courses I was assigned did not match what I had told them what my major was to be... I wanted to do sociology and I was told, although they did not have a specific "sociology" program that they did have classes geared towards my goals.

As I was looking at my schedule I began to notice that none of the classes selected for me were even remotely close to sociology in any form or fashion. I began to inquire as to why I was taking these courses that had nothing to do with what my major was and I was told that they did not have ANYthing for sociology concerning the associates program. I asked why wasn't I told this beore I started or why didn't my advisor explain this to me and ask me if I minded this at all. So I eneded up with business classes and medical billing which I wanted nothing to do with in either subjects. I had some hard times with a few of the classes because now I am angry because I am paying for classes I did not want nor did I need.

So basically I have a useless piece of fancy paper with my name on it! Hip hip hurray for me! I also noticed that with not fairing so well in my classes and having to repeat some to get the proper grade I was being told more and more to drop and retake them when I was able to find an outside tutor to accomodate my needs - mean while my bill with them is steady ringing ca ching! I had instructors tell me one thing and when I would act on on their suggestions it landed me in trouble with the dean of discipline. I felt like I was thrown under the bus and left there to find my own way out.

If that was not enough I decided to get the CTU Connect Card One and I have various withdraws from some international organization or company or something and Card One allowed this to happen - ater I told them I do not travel internationally, I do not lend my card for anyone else to be able to do this and I don't know anyone or other entities for these type of transactions to be taking place. Now I keep getting these messages sent to me that I am overdrawn on my account. I keeo telling them that I did not make these charges; so why should I be the one to pay for them.

All the way around this experience has been one big pain in the rump! As well as it was not worth all the pain and hard work I put into what seemed an up hill battle! I am currently in an nother college and I make A's and B's. I also am able to REALLY learn from this school and I also know for a fact that the courses I am taking are geared to my major and not just some quota to get more aid/money from the government!

Company: Ctu Online
Country: USA
Site: campus.ctuonline.edu
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Virginia College Online Birmingham
Very Unfair Beware if you are taking online classes

Argosy University Online
Fraudulent, Misleading, RIPOFF

Art Institute Of Pittsburgh Online
$463.00 per credit hour MAJOR RIP OFF!

American InterContinental University Online
AIU-Online - What a rip-off! I couldn't believe all the trouble I had! And no one would listen!

DeVry University
Westminster LIARS!

The Bryman School
Rip-off! Misled! Lied to!

American InterContinental University Online
AIU online are robbers without guns

Touro University International
Rip-Off Online University! It appeared the instructors and the school did not want me to complete my degree. I

Western International University
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing of books and tranfer of classes to a unknown college

Axia College - University Of Phoenix
Liars, Cheats and Theives ripoff