Leasecomm Corporation
Microfinancial ripoff

Education & Science

It is now the last week of Feb. 2004 and I just recieved another bill from the Company Leasecomm. They have added $12 for collection fee, $6 for invoice fee, a total of $18 for nothing because they say I am in behind in my bill. I have not paid anyhing on this so called bill because I informed them last year if I don't get anyhting for my money they have ripped me off of for 3 years I will not pay anymore. This is for their so called internet terminal! How do I get them to Stop! What is there to do against this company to keep them from destroying my good credit? This started 4 years ago when I went to one of their seminars How to Make Money on the Internet. They were with Ecommerce.

I was going to sell computer cleaning supplies. They were supposed to help set-up a virtual terminal for a web store. I set it up through my cleaning business bank account. I tried to cancel when I got back from the seminar. I got a call from the lady that set me up at the seminar. She gave me the run around saying she was about to get on her plane and would get back to me when she arrived. Since this was the first dealing with any (shady) business of this kind. I believed she would call me back. She never called me to help me stop the account. I found a phone number and called them I told them what she said.

I was informed that it was too late to send in the form. I said what form? I never received a form in my contract. They said they would send me a copy but I would not get it in time to send it back to cancel. I was then informed I could do a buy out or be sued if I didn't make my payment for breach of contract. I made payments to this company for 3 years. Calling them and emailing them for information on how to do this so called terminal! I had bought products to sell because this company said they would help set this terminal up but never got back to me. I had made payments on a web site also. Still they would never help set this up. They would get back to me.

I have emailed them and called until I had to stop the web site. I couldn't pay for a webpage if I didn't have a store. I am stuck with the supplies because the company I had bought them from said they had a life span on them and would not take them back. I had also got a domain name for this so called web store! I got laid off from the company I had a cleaning contract with due to cutbacks. I finally told Leasecomm people that I had no more money coming in the business account.

They were adding all kinds of little charges to their bills. I could no longer afford a useless business that was nothing there for me to use. I informed them I had to close the account and they informed me I would still have to pay them out of my personal account. I told them this was a business deal.

They informed me my name was on the contract and no matter what happened to my business I was personally responsible to pay them. I have no more money. They are in breach of their contract. It stated at the seminar I can make money on the internet. They were there with this other company making everyone in that room think we can make money on the internet with their virtual terminal and help. They said we can cancel but I didn't get my paper until it was too late!

I have my papers and the cancel papers were not in there. The form I have is the one they sent me after the fact and they have had me thinking all these years they were going to help me. All I got was the run around from this company and threats of being taken to the court in their area MN, which I could not afford. I had someone read the little print and try to explain it to me and it says I will have to pay their Lawyer fees if they took me to court.

I was contacted a week ago and was told they are looking into my credit reports. They want me to use my credit card to make payments to them. They informed me to borrow money to pay them off. I informed them I had already borrowed money to make payments and could not borrow anymore for this worthless business deal.

Is there someone in Kentucky I can contact? They pick on little business knowing we can not afford legal fees once they run us out of money! I need to know where I can turn! Is there anyone in KY that will go with me to the Attorney General's office?
D. G

Bremen, Kentucky

Company: Leasecomm Corporation
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Waltham
Address: 950 Winter Street
Phone: 8008435327
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Leasecomm Corporation
Rip-off! They are in breach of their contract

Leasecomm Corporation
Leasecomm still billing for defunct merchant account terminals!

Ripoff scams so fight back

Ripoff, Fraudulant practices etc


Leasecomm - Microfinancial

Ripoff Waltham, Massachusetts

Ripoff business from hell

Ripoff. The most corrupt company

Took $3,000.00 and want's more for non existant Virtual Terminal