RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
Ripoff want me to pay $258.29!

Education & Science

I received a notice in the mail from RJM Acquisitions Funding for a Fingerhut account I'm totally unaware of. They state I purchased pillow case covers back in Apri 1998, and now they want $258.29, but they'll settle for half! I've never bought anything from this company!

I sent a letter stating that either this was fraud on their part or someone else has opened an account under my name. I also stated that the statue of limitations in Illinois is 5 years, so therefore, they are out of luck. I advised them to not contact me again or I would file a lawsuit. I sent the letter certified, return receipt requested.

Hopefully, I never hear from them again.in fact, this is the first time in 6 years I've ever heard of them...

Company: RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Hauppauge
Address: PO Box 11154
Phone: 8003532497
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RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut LLC ripoff

RJM Acquisitions Funding
Ripoff Has a unordered merchandise scheme going with fingerhut Has been hounding me for years about merchandise that I did not orde

RJM Acquisitions Funding
Fingerhut ripoff never had an account, they say I owe $1,515.00 and want to offer me a credit card to pay it off

Law Offices Of Mitchell N. Kay, RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
Falsely claimed I owed them money for merchandise I never ordered!

RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC / Fingerhut ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing and collection

RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut ripoff bogus account

RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisitions Funding LLCBoxRJM Acquisitions Funding LLC ripoff, filing a bad credit report on an account already closed in 1998

RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC
Claimed I owed on a Fingerhut Account which I have never even had!

RJM ACQUISITIONS FUNDING Collecting For Fingerhut ripoff

Rjm Acquisitions Funding
RJM Acquisitions Funding ripoff!