Capital Acquisition CAMCO
Ripoff They started tonight and said they'd call back tomorrow!

Education & Science

Out of the blue, I got a call tonight from "Jason" stating that he was from Capital Acquisitions Management and that I had uncollected debt of $5,000 from 1992 that has gone unpaid and now has a balance of $10,000 (forget the exact numbers). Anyhow, there was debt back in 1992 and I rememebr that; of course, I also rememebr clearing up all of that debt! If any of this goes anywhere, I sure hope I can find the validating paperwork; then again, the statutes will pervail but what a pain in the neck that could be.

ONE THING FOR SURE: To anybody who ever gets contacted & even if you know about the debt NEVER ADMIT TO IT because that may/will start the clock all over again!

Anyhow, I told the "nice young man" that if he was trying to collect debt that was 12 years old, he'd have to find something else to do! He told me, as I was hanging up on him, that he will be calling back tomorrow.

In the interim, I have informed my family not to respond to these people and the CEASE AND DESIST LETTER is being drafted for mailing this evening.

The bad news is that something like this can really foul you up and it is up to the individual to get it fixed. I just hope that they are "illegitimate" enough NOT TO show up on a credit report.

Company: Capital Acquisition CAMCO
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Rockford
Address: 303 North Main Street
Phone: 8772980845
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