Hesser College - student

Education & Science

I have being bully by another students inside school building. She flaunted her gun on me.

Company: Hesser College - student
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Manchester
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Remington College
All they care about is money

Polk State College
Polk State College: Polk State College Discriminates Against Black Students: A Complaint of racial discrimination was filed with the US. Department of Justice against Polk State College in Winter Have

Polk States College
A Complaint of racial discrimination was filed with the US. Department of Justice against Polk States College in Winter Haven Florida

Biohealth college
Bio health college, Biohealth College

Champlain College
Absolutely ridiculous

Kaplan College — Merillville, IN
Kaplan College — Extorting personal information for non-existent student loans

Signed my college student up, even after he tried to say he didn't want it

Redstone College in Broomfield, CO
Redstone College in Broomfield, Colorado The Dean and Career center and Time keeper dictate how, where, and when the students should apply to work in order to take care of their kids and overcharge for the price of boarding for students. Nationwide

Everest College, Olympia
Everest College, Olympia Does not fullfil obligations Lies about the Education you are receiving North Aurora Illinois

Redstone College Broomfield, Co
Lorado Unprofessional not for Students