Itt Technical Institute
Rip-off, scam artist, and injustice to their stsudent and teachers... Do not attent please take it from me

Education & Science

Please take time to read this, it very well could help you!!!

Wow where do i even start.

I'll start off from the beginning. I am a graduate of Nicholls State University with a Bachelors degree. I wanted to go back to
school to further my education and hopefully get more hands on opportunities in a classroom. I saw an ad on TV for ITT that portrayed all of these wonderful things and what ITT had to offer. I must say was almost instantly convinced
that school would be a great place to go.
I did some research on the school and seen that many people were dissatisfied with ITT and posted rather nasty things about the school. I'm not one to follow so I brushed it off and figured maybe it just might have been their

I filled out an online survey for ITT stating that I was interest and a Rep called me within about 2 days. After I figure out
how much the school cost for tuition, I strongly felt as if it wasn't the place for me. After some convincing from family and friends, I decided to attend, and that's when the hell started. My couple weeks at ITT was great, they wine and dine you with pizza, drinks, and everyone just seems so friendly. Well that is because they wanted to create an illusion that ITT was about providing for the students and having a great time while getting your education (FALSE ADVERTISEMENT).

I then met my instructor/Associate Dean who became Dean the next quarter name Kenya Crocken.instantly she began helping me with finding out the classes I needed to take and the right direction to go in. My first quarter, ITT had me schedule for Math I (KEEP IN MIND I HAVE A BACHELORS DEGREE FROM A REAL UNIVERSITY ALREADY). I could not for the life of me understand why I have to take math I, but I did as instructed and completed the course. Then came Math II and I did the same again. Something in my mind was telling me things weren't right and that's when I got a little bit weary of what type of school ITT was becoming to me.

Too make a long story short, the registrar told me they mistakenly forgot to give me transfer credit for those two math classes and so basically I took them for nothing. Then come to find out they forgot to look at the second page of my transcript to give me credit for 3 more classes I had taken at Nicholls. I was furious and really seen the light of how much of a scam school ITT was. I wanted out of that school only to realize I have been suckered into their trap. The trap that if they get you there the first quarter you will have to stay because all of the money for 1 quarter would be a waste and have to be paid back.

I could not believe I made such a dumb decision by attending that school. I told Ms. Crocken about how I was feeling and she told me to stay positive and basically was the main reason I didn't drop out. This lady was truly a down to earth person with a trustworthy personality that made everyone at that school comfortable. Not only did she help me, but also equally provided for all students who needed her assistance.

Here comes the drama and racial injustice of ITT

While at ITT, I became very cool with the faculty and staff as well as the students there, so I knew 95 percent of everything that happen (the good-hardly ever and the bad-almost 90 percent of time). I can sit here and name many situations but I'll just talk about one in particular. Recently and when I say recently which is Saturday, I was informed that Mrs. Crocken was
terminated along with 2 others hard working employees whose name are Penny and Shana. I was furious and thought to myself, ain't way they fired those people, they kept ITT running and functioning properly. Come to find out that those
accusations were True.

This is the reason ITT terminated these individuals.

Ms. Crocken had a birthday and had plans to have lunch with some co-workers (Penny and Shana) from ITT. As everyone knows, at ITT there are student/employee workers who work and attend ITT. The student employee wanted to attend the lunch as being that she does work at ITT and have a friendship with the 2 woman including Mrs. Crocken. Little did they all know that, this was “quote unquote” forbidden by ITT. This situation only led to the FIRING of 3 African American women 2 of them who are SINGLE MOTHERS with a child. Also these women never had a write up or any conduct issues while working at ITT. This AGGREVATED me greatly to a point I felt the most hatred I've ever felt towards ITT Tech. Now I could sit here and discuss situation of other employees who have taken vacation with student employees, posted Facebook pictures with student employees, or even had sexual relations with student employees, but that is not the point here. The point is that these women were fired for no apparent reason and was really a victim to a broken system within ITT. Not to mention
that the last 6 woman that ITT has terminated have been WOMAN and each one of them AFRICAN AMERICAN, which suggest to me that this is racially motivated.

If some one doesn't do something about this ITT TECH School in St. Rose, it will only get worse and where does it end. When do we stop repeating the past and move on into the future and be of what Dr. King wanted us all to be….”AS ONE.” I really hate doing this and I'm not one to ever post on any site like this but I thought this need to be heard. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!!!

Please take it from me when i say do not attend this school.
Weigh your options and attend a real university or community college that will be cheaper and give you what you pay for.

Itt is a scan and i regret the day i signed up for this school, granted i'm so happy i'm graduating in 1 month.

Thank you for reading my story.

Company: Itt Technical Institute
Country: USA
Phone: 5044630654
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