Web Tv Networks
Web TV customers have been ripped off

Education & Science

As one of the original subscriber to web tv and an advocate of their merging with MSN networks I felt more than obligated to file this report.

Web TV, MSN networks involved with Web TV and their affiliates are guilty of fraud. Web TV, now more than ever, with MSN as the new Executive Cheifs have sold the email addresses of all of their unknowing customers to (according to a MSN spokesperson)
"whoever has the cash". We have the proof.

The web TV networks charge their customers $22/month.
They have a contract that perscribes their email service as
a "timely" and "uninhibited" service, yet they have over 10 thousand claims of email fraud against them. No one, until now has been organized or perhaps Pissed Off enough to do anything about it.

The web TV browser does not function properly. That is if you consider being able to load at 120K page within about 1/2 hour
proper, or being able to use what is known as the "back" function. Whenever a new browser window opens, the original browser window becomes obsolete. Web TV denies this, they claim that the web master has incorrectly designed his pages.
I Find This Very Offensive.

Web TV Customer Service Sucks, that is if you ever get to talk to anyone. They claim to have customer service from 9am to 10pm
Pacific Standard Time, yet you'll have to wait at least one hour to get a live operator, not from my experience, I had to wait 1hour and 45 minutes, is this customer service.

And, yet, Web TV has never offered any customer a rebate or refund due to their lack of service, being down for several days at a time, or due to their lack of knowledge, and expertise in creating a functional browser. For this reason mostly they are FRAUDULENT.

If you'd like to be involved in this class action law suit against Web TV networks, feel free to email me at:

This is only the begining

Company: Web Tv Networks
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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