Joslin's East West Karate
Dishonest - beware!

Education & Science

First impressions could be inaccurate. Joslinis Eastwest Karate a contradiction of the ideals it shows its pupils. The very first "free training" is definitely an intense sales hype, feels as though you are purchasing a time-share. You receive forced in to a deal, that will be not offered within an straightforward method - our teacher named it a discharge type and stated that it had been just just in case we got hurt - false at-all! When you signal, your payment is switched to a third party (Academic Finance Organization - Google them, they're questionable), outofstate collection company. When you have any inquiries or issues, you receive volleyed back and forth. Joslinis misrepresents data in AGREEMENTS, takes cash in the ill and also the bad. I've created a persistent disease and my spouse continues to be let go from his work - we got these issues to the "BUDDIES" at Joslinis, and Mr. Ron Joslin replied with violence, actually threatening my spouse who had been really polite and truthful. Don't come right into a with Joslinis! They represent themselves like a household business with ethics, however they are shady.

Company: Joslin's East West Karate
Country: USA
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Joslin's East West Karate
Dishonest - beware!

Family Karate Center
Hidden contract terms

Melissa Frenick / East Side Accounting
Melissa Joslin, Melissa P. Frenick, Convicted of embezzelment felony yet doing tax prep for unaware victims

Mahato Karate (karate teacher) Michael Graves
Mahato Karate Wilmington, Delaware unprofessional Mahato Karate: karate Teacher Michael Graves scared my son so much he didn't want to go back to his school for lessons my son is only 7yrs. Old! Wilmington

Karate America Jacksonville, Florida
What a scam!

Mastery Martial Arts
East West Karate Continue to steal money from my account

AB Karate AB Karate gave my information to ASF internation

All-American Martial Arts Academy
A scam / not a real karate school

East West Karate
After Signing Blank Documents we were told we had signed up our kids for 36 months of Karate lessons with and an account was opened for us at a finance company

Karate America
Total scam