Audiofile And Worldwide Audio
Audiofile and Worldwide Audio ripoff

Education & Science

As I was leaving my colege calc class two white males in there 20's asked me if I would like to purches some speakers. He said they were worth $2700 each. At first I told him I only had $17. Then he asked if I could get a hold of $500. I then said the most I could get was 280. He accepted then rode with me for twenty minutes to a small school were I was picking up my mother from work. He told me his life story and that he was in a hurry to get back to work. He also wanted to store the other "over loads."

My mom lent me the money to pay the sleaze bag. Then I gave him the 280 and the 17 dollars I had in my pocket. He went as far as to ask a faster way to get to an area but gave me no specifics as to where they were going.

This taught me not to buy from a street vendor ever. The speakers sound great but are not worth the money I paid due to the uncertainty of the life and actual max watts per speaker.

wheatland, California

Company: Audiofile And Worldwide Audio
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rancho Cordova
Address: 3333 Sunrise Ave Suite 1
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Southwest Audio Audiofile Speakers
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Chris Ki, Worldwide Audio
Total ripoff, misrepresentation of product liars

Audiofile, Worldwide Audio - Paul Hughes
Rip people off with 'extra speakers in shipment' scam, Placerville, El Dorado

Audiofile speakers
Audiofile 583 speakers rip-off! Chris and Josh said, "Hey you want some free speakers?"

Audiofile Speakers
Rip-off Fancy looking $20 dollar massed produced particle board cabinet not used for audio Lowest end & used internal parts they can find ($20 tops)

Ripoff, Audiofile, frank, van, white, dishonest, scam, speakers, SUV, home theatre

"Southwest Audio" - Chris non-existant company sold pair of cheap fraudulent speakers said to be worth $1500 each


Paul Hrohes or Paul Hvohes, South West Audio
Paul Hrohes & South West Audio is ripoff, worthless Audiofile speakers

Audiofile speaker
Audiofile 583lr stereo speaker ripoff