DBS Home Stuffers, Robert Hancock
Ripoff work at home scam

Education & Science

Wanted a job I could do from home, found this one, Mr. Rober Hancock stated that he was and honest person and that he was looking for honest people to work from home.

Letter stated that I had his word that If I did my part he would do his and send me my check. All I had to do was send in a $25.00 money order to the address he provided, if I was accepted I would receive my information on how to get started. If I was not accepted I would receive my money back.

I received my letter within a week saying that I had been accepted, the next thing I needed to do was to send in $1.00 / $5.00 depending on if I wanted 1 package or all five on how to get started. I sent in $5.00 because I really needed to get going so that I could pay my bills. I never received anything else from them.

In the acceptance letter it says that if I don't hear from them to write them, so that is what I did, that did not do anything either.

All I wanted was something I could do from home to help out with our bills so that my husband did not have to pull all weight, so much for HONEST people!

Company: DBS Home Stuffers, Robert Hancock
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Parker
Address: PO Box 2017
Phone: 2126156424
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