Florida Metropolitan University Lakeland
Everest University The degrees are not worth the paper there printed on

Education & Science

I was just out of the Navy living in Orlando, Florida. I was undecided about what I want to do but had to do something to advance what I had already accomplished while in the Navy. I visited a college fair in Orlando and was sweeped into the campus in Northern Orlando. They gave a good speech and signed up for classes. Six months later while still doing dentistry as a dental assistant and going to school I went into Criminal Justice program at FMU Orlando from there I transferred to Lakeland FMU due to my getting a new job as a Recreation Specialist at a local Youth Prison. And met my wife. I transferred to get closer to her and away from Orlando.
When I completed my Associates Degree in Criminal Justice I was told that at the time Governor Jeb Bush had given accreditation to the Criminal Justice program, and found that to be a lie. The only thing that kept me going to the school was the pay raises and advancements I recieved while working know as a Juvenile Case Manager, and Walt Disney World as a Communications Dispatcher. After completing my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. I thought I had the world. I look into the Accreditation at Florida Metropolitan and got lie after lie. But I cant entirely blame them I did stay on for my Masters in Business Administration which is the only degree I currently hold that is trully accredited according to the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Than in 2004 the hurricanes took my home and I move to Ohio with wife in tow. I finished schooling and got a good job as a Juvenile Corrections Officer making a good wage, but my degrees didnt get me the job my 10 years as a Juvenile Case manager got me the job in Ohio.
In 2007 with my bills other than my student loans all caught up I honored my wife's request to move back to Florida. I got a job back at Disney and as a Mental Health therapist and found out the corruption that is Florida Metropoiltan University.
In Jan I moved back to Ohio because I lost my job as a Mental Health Therapist because my degrees were not accredited and I couldnt prove they were. Jeb Bush was no longer Governor and his big Brother was no longer President.
I worked as a Production Worker at Honda as a Temporary in the Plastics Department. And was Laid Off in February. The only thing that is working for me is that I'm in college working towards a Certification as an Addictions Counselor towards a License as a LCDC II Chemical Dependency Counselor. The only bad thing is I'm unemployed in State of Ohio with 2 out 3 degrees that are worth the paper there on.
Sallie Mae is looking for the payment of $86,000 that FMU cheated me and alot others out of. I'm not looking for money personally. I just want the loans paid off and enough to repeat at a college where I can make something out of my life. I just turn 40 so working in the Criminal Justice field is out of the question. Thats why I took a job at Honda when I got back to Ohio. My job with the State was gone because I stayed to long in Florida. If anyone knows of any progress in the Law Suit please contact me.
Thank you for listening

Company: Florida Metropolitan University Lakeland
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lakeland
Address: 995 E. Memorial, Suite 110
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Florida Metropolitan University
The amount of the student loan is fraudelant and a violation of usery laws

Everest University
Florida Metropolitan University "Fake College"

Florida Metropolitan University/Sallie Mae Student Loans
Scammed and frauded me into signing for excessive student loans & lying to me about the process of the student loans aquired

Everest University Formally FMU Online
FMU A waste of time and a dream

Florida Technical College
Orlando An Associates degree for the price of a Masters Ripoff

Everest University
What a Joke!

Everest University Online - Corinthian Colleges
Robbed me of my financial aid money, scammed me, scam, liars, misled me Tampa

Florida Metropolitan University, Corithian Colleges
May be accredited but not by any recognized accreditation assoc. Like commission on colleges of the southern assoc. Of colleges and schools

Touro College, Touro University, Lander College for Men
Education Fraud, Financial Aid Fraud. It will ruin your life if you graduate

Lincol College Online
Lincoln College of Technology Beware!