Paul Bauer Dreams Alive
The DETAILS on Exactly How Paul Bauer Uses Smoke and Mirror Tactics to Scam People Out of Their Cash!

Education & Science

On September 6 I was charged $7.95 for a CD that was never received...

And for a 'free 14 day trial' to a club that I was only given access to AFTER my bank account was debited another $54 for 2 months 'membership' in a club that doesn't even exist by the name I was being charged!

In my case, I was NEVER given the opportunity of the 14 day "free evaluation period"

Because the download information was never mailed to me... And I got so busy that

I had forgotten that I had even ordered it until some 42 days later when thankfully

I spotted the debits to my bank account totalling $61.95!

At that point, I emailed Paul and asked that my 'membership' be cancelled... And

The monies I had paid for goods NOT RECEIVED be refunded.

Thankfully, my membership WAS cancelled and I haven't received any further

$27 debits to my bank account. Since Paul Bauer doesn't believe in

Communicating, he didn't bother to send me an email confirmation of cancellation.

Instead an email was sent saying that the CD 'was in the mail' and to let him know

If I didn't receive it. This email also gave me - finally - several download links

To what they called the "Effortless Manifesting Club".

It was only when 4 weeks later I wrote again to be SURE that the requested

Cancellation had been made and to let Paul know that I still hadn't received

The CD or the requested refund that the cancellation was confirmed and I

Was told that no refund was owed... And that the post office was responsible

For the non-delivery of the CD!

It seems as if Paul Bauer's logic is that because I didn't CANCEL my 'subscription'

Within the 14 day free trial period (by his reckoning!)... EVEN THOUGH I NEVER

Received access to the material i was supposed to be evaluating until


To charge me for 1) a $7.95 shipping fee for a CD I never received 2) $27 x 2

For access to online information that I never had a chance to evaluate until

AFTER my 'membership' had been cancelled!

By MY logic, the free 14 day trial period should have begun the moment I received

Those links — which was the day that I wrote and cancelled and asked for a refund.

But apparently Paul Bauer has a different opinion... And a very clever agenda.

Because I DO have a fairly good memory, and because I DIDN'T discard ANY

Of my emails from Paul, I have been able to piece together the means by which

Paul has cleverly managed to bilk not just me... But potentially HUNDREDS or

Perhaps eve THOUSANDS of victims... Out of as much money as possible by

1) failing to send out a "Welcome email" giving download links

To "Effortless Manifesting Club". Because there are no links sent,

There is no opportunity to access the contents of the club for the

Free 14 day evaluation period. Paul counts on the fact that many

People are so busy that after a day or two, they simply forget that

They even ordered the CD and the free trial. After all, $7.95 is the

Price of lunch!

2) Instead of a Welcome Email, Paul sends out, via a pre-programmed

Autoresponder, a series of emails promoting his various products and

Seminars so that TWENTY FOUR DAYS LATER he can send out an

Email with the subject "Manifesting Secrets Club". This email looks

Just like all the other promotional emails he's been sending except

That this email FINALLY contains the download links to what he sold

As a 14 day free trial to the "Effortless Manifesting Club. It contains the

Words "... in case you missed the link, here it is again:

Http://" This is a clever

Cover-your-ass email which puts the onus of "missing getting the

Link to the club" squarely on the recipient. And the timing is great

Too... Not too long to logically be sending a reminder. Never mind

The fact that he is now calling the club by a different name than

How he invoiced it and by now he has taken $7.95 $27 for a total

Of $34.95 from the person's credit card or bank account.

3) For Paul, it's all a 'numbers game'. Some people refer to this

Numbers game as "SWSWSW", meaning "Some Will, Some Won't,

So What!" In Paul's case, it's a game about counting on the fact

That many people will quickly forget they even ordered his

CD or 14 day free trial. Paul also is counting on the fact that many

People are careless about scrutinizing their bank statement or credit

Card statement. Paul also is counting on the fact that many people

Delete all their email daily and so have no record of whether they

Received a "Welcome Email" with a link to the club or not. Paul also

Is counting on the fact that a few people may open this "Manifesting

Secrets Club" email and the vast majority probably won't. And

Of those few who DO open that email, Paul's counting on the fact

That most won't remember that they never received the download

Link at the time of their order or if they do remember, can't prove it

Because they regularly delete their email. At this point some may

Decide simply to continue with membership in the club, many without

Even remembering that they agreed to pay $27 a month if they do.

After all, it is TWENTY FOUR DAYS now AFTER they placed their

Order and it's easy to forget a lot of things in that period of time.

4) Paul is also counting on the fact that quite a few people won't

Even bother to open the "Manifesting Secrets Club" email since it

Looks just like all the other promotional emails he's been sending.

He also is counting on the fact that many people are just too busy

To carefully monitor their bank account or credit card statements

To notice that $27 is being deducted every month, he's counting

On the fact that in many cases he'll be able to continue for many

Months taking the $27 from quite a few people — money he plans

To never refund!

5) at this point, paul totally stops sending promotional

EMAILS OF ANY KIND! Why? In Paul's case, "silence is golden"!

If he doesn't send any emails, most people are likely to forget

About him and his clever little money making scheme altogether.

If he DOES send email, there's a greater likelihood of some

People suddenly remembering that they ordered a CD or joined

His club.By not sending any emails, he has the GREATEST

CHANCE of continuing to extract $27 a month from them...

Potentially forever!

Here are a couple of steps that I've taken to recoup at least some
of my money since Paul has totally stopped communicating and
is stonewalling me

1. I've documented every email exchange between Paul's
organization and myself... As well as the above information
at a free Blogspot website

which will be searchable on Google when people start
looking for information on Paul Bauer and his scams.
It will keep people up to date with my progress in
recovering my money, and will allow others who
have fallen prey to Paul Bauer to share their experiences.

2. I've contacted my bank's fraud division and have filed
a report. They are temporarily depositing $54 in my bank
account, subject of course to their thorough investigation.
It would have been the entire $61.95 had I not waited a
bit too long to file, but there is a 60 day filing limit.
Still, this will be brought to the attention of Paul's
merchant account company. If enough people start
reporting Paul's scams to their bank or credit card's
fraud department, Paul's merchant account could be
3. I am posting this information on as many scam-
related websites as I can find to spread the word
about Paul's scam tactics. He truly gives "self help"
a very bad name.

Company: Paul Bauer Dreams Alive
Country: USA
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