Exquisite Salon and Spa and College of Aesthetics
Unlicensed Instructor teaching and working

Education & Science

DO NOT ATTEND this college. The instructor is an unlicensed cosmetologist in the state of Colorado. This college is running a scam. They charge thousands of dollars to attend the programs, which are a joke. The instructor is unlicensed and unqualified to teach in the state of Colorado. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Go to this website to check if the people that are teaching or working in the facility are licensed https://www.doradls. State.Co. Us/alison.php You can type in the individual's first and last name to view what type of license they hold in the State of Colorado. Ask to see licenses and credentials before signing up for any program at a trade school, especially this one. Exquisite College of Aesthetics is also charging $500 for a "kit" of supplies which consists of items from the Family Dollar Store. The facilities are inadequate for teaching and they are trying to add even more programs such as a Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant, and Pharmacy Tech. AGAIN DO YOUR RESEARCH before getting involved with these people in my opinion they are scam artists of the worst kind, because they rip off innocent people trying to start new careers and new lives.

*This college also operates as a day spa. Be very careful receiving services from this spa. Many of the technicians are unlicensed and conditions are unsanitary*

Company: Exquisite Salon and Spa and College of Aesthetics
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Littleton
Address: 5140 S. Federal Blvd
Phone: 3037031212
Site: exquisitesalonandspa.com
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