Adison high school

Education & Science

I talked to them about getting my money back for this waste of time. They told me that I would need to get a rejection letter sent to them form the college i applied for. I asked them for a mailing address to have the letter send to and they told me that because they are a online high school that they are not required to have a mailing address. They also told me that their administration office is in Huston, Tx. I asked the lady for a address and/or a telephone number, she then say that she doesn't have one for them. I'm willing 100% to sign anything to help press charges and get them shut down.

Company: Adison high school
Country: USA
State: California
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Adison high school
Scam... Beware

Adison high school
Adison high school is fake and a rip off and scammer Interne

Adison high school

Adison high school
High school diploma

Adison Online High School

Adison High School
Consumer Report

Adison High
Stay away

Must High School
Unknown Took Money, won't forward transcripts, local College doubts their accreditation/legitimacy

Lorenz High School
Belford High School Online high school Diploma or GED

Adison high school
High school diploma