Supreme Mailing Services, inc
Ripoff fraud business

Education & Science

Due to the economic hard times our country is experiencing it has put a major financial strain on my husband and our 3 young children. I am a stay at home mom & thought I would look for something to do at home to help with the money. I looked in my local Mesquite newspaper and found an ad about home mailers being needed.

I called the number listed in the paper and a person took my name and address and said information would be mailed to my home.

Upon receipt, it did sound too easy so I checked it out. I found your website "thankfully." I did not send anything to these people, however I would like to know what can be done to stop this? They use the U.S. Postal Service to promote their fraud and I do believe that in an of itself is against the law.

It is absolutely sickening to know there are other companies just like Supreme Mailing Services, Inc. That are running ads in local newspapers across the country, if not the world. I have 2 other mailing type companies that did not check out as legitimate either.

I would like to get the word out and surely there is a way to stop this. Please let me know what I can do to stop many others who are struggling also to makes ends meet, so that collectively these liars and fruads can be stopped.

Company: Supreme Mailing Services, inc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Lemont
Address: 1244 State Str. #350
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Supreme Mailing Services, Inc
Supreme Mailing Service, Inc. Ripped Us Off For Over $500.00 ripoff fraud business

Supreme Mailing Services Inc ripoff

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(a.K. A) Supreme Mailing Services ripoff consumer rip-off fraud Lemont

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Financial Resources Unlimited
Supreme Mailing, Mark Shelton ripoff fraud business There has to be a way to stop men like this.internet

Supreme Mailing Inc Financial Resources Unlimited
Supreme Mailing Financial Resources Unlimited ripoff home based business ripoff to consumers

Supreme Mailing Services
I sent in $59 to get a mailing service beginning and I have never heard from them since

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Supreme Mailing Services
Ripoff business from hell

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