Must High School Online
Same as above must high school scams parents and students out of their hard earned savings! True story! Internet

Education & Science

This is a true story and I'm taking the time to write this because I have been struggling to understand this situation. It has caused inmeasurable grief, stress, and shock to think that people can cheat you so easily after they sell their product long and hard.

In March we were looking for a high school online program that would step up the educational pace for our daughters. They were bright, one year left of high school and they wanted to just finish their requirements in order to enter college. They had great grades, but because of our financial situation we thought the best way would be to register them in an online program, complete their requirements and then enter them into college/university.

The grim story is that Must High School has probably only one individual that does everything. This person uses many names, but keeps the same intonation, same grammar and inflection. We registered with this person at the time: the name he used is Robert Miller, student counselor. That is actually irrelevant. He worked hard to sell the academic program with the condition that at anytime we could back out and recieve all our monies for the unused part of the program. At the beginning we started paying $25.00 per month for a while and then in May we decided to pay the entire amount in order to get it out of the way. It was our educational savings for the girls. The girls completed the courses with great scores. Each one received their email notification that they had completed their program. This happened in May and June.

By July I started sending both emails to other individuals that responded the phone (same guy - different names) The list is the following:

Anthony Harris, Sam Page, Neil Samuels, Rick Adams, and last was Mr. Buce!

All of July and August I have been sending emails and faxes requesting for the documents in order to register my daughters for university! I began to realize that by now my daughters would be late in registering for the fall semester. End of August I'm still calling, faxing and emailing these people (same guy) and each time they tell me that we should be receiving it in 15-20 days. But by now its been close to 60 days.

OnSeptember 1st we received the documents for one of my daughters (since she completed her studies in May) and then they are mispelled. Already frustrated I write them back the next day and inform them that the documents are not valid for registering to college or university. This was done on September 3rd. I wait patiently hoping that they would come through. I finally called tonight to speak to the same individual and was again told that he understands my situation and then abruptly he hangs up on me. Never called back. I kept asking him who manages or administers MUST HIGH SCHOOL Online. He said there are over "500 counselors" and each one has a supervisor.

I can't tell you how upset we are at losing our hard earned money. Specially because one of us is unemployed and this money was part of our savings for our children's future. I am writing this so that other parents do NOT make the mistake of registering with MUST HIGH SCHOOL ONLINE. Theya re a scam. I am still waiting for my other daughter's documents and the corrected one for my first daughter. I am very angry at this situation. I believe that the IAO is probably associated with this company as well because although their website looks very modern and upscale, its phone numbers are never answered by people but by recordings.

I am writing this because our financial situation can't tolerate this highway robbery but other parents should be aware that MUST HIGH SCHOOL is not legitimate. No matter how nice you are, no matter how polite and patient you are, you get nowhere with these deceivers.

I will also post this in Yahoo for others to learn about this. I just can't tell you how heartbroken my husband and I are at the fact that we need to tell the girls they have been cheated out of beginning their first year of college because of these thieves! I hope this will help others not to take any risks.

Company: Must High School Online
Country: USA
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Must High School Online
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Must high school
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