Camilo Torres

Education & Science

Camilo Torres at 12226 N Nevada Way, Mesa, Az. Proposed marriage to me through my mother last January. He told her that he would provide for me, and that I would not need to work.

Once I moved her from Florida, he gave me nothing, lost my health insurance, almost lost my car due to non-payment, never paid any of my bills which he had promised to do, and never paid my mothr back her life savings which she used to send me here.

Is ther any legal way to correct this?

Company: Camilo Torres
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Address: 1226 N Nevada Way
Phone: 6025736144
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Sara Strong & Marlon Orellana
Consumer Report

Fiesta Wholesale Homes, LLC
Herman torres i paid 15,000.00 down payment for mobile home that herman torres stole and wont refund or deliver the home i paid for leaving my family and i homeless a year ago and disappear! We needs a home herma

Wilson Dawson
Consumer Report

Advance Clinical Laboratories - Rudy Torres
Has not paid in the last 4 months for services rendered

Camilo Garzon
CCamilo Garzon a Miniature Bull Terrier Breeder out of Is selling puppies without registration papers... He was going to provide the proper documentation to me. But, it never happened... Davie

Bocadelmar Mexico, aihg mexico, frank torres
Bocadelmar Mexico, aihg mexico, Frank Torres Castillo aka frank torres BOCADELMAR MEXICO LAND SCAM. Swamp land fraud

John Torres
What a great life thanks to daniel duffy (rags to riches0

Gabe Torres - Rage Productions
Misleading, procrastination, delinquency, plagarism and did not honor the contracts