Summit Group Publications
They got nothing but a nasty reply in the mail

Education & Science

I received the offer in the mail today and I was curious about it. I am by nature skeptical, so I called the number and when I got just a recording, I figured something wasn't right. Then I went online and did a search on their name and came across this website. I was about the check out the Better Business Bureau but didn't have to because of you. Thank you for providing consumers with an information source on crooked businesses and also an outlet for our frustration.

I am a stay at home mom and need to make some money to pay for my kids' health insurance, so that last thing I could afford was to send these clowns money. I'd like to meet them and wring their necks for taking advantage of people when they can least afford it. Thank God I'm a suspicious person! As for the guy on the phone who can't speak good English and is probably here illegally - he needs to be DEPORTED!

Company: Summit Group Publications
Country: USA
State: California
City: West Covina
Address: Dept. 5, P.O Box 4399
Phone: 6262590175
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Summit Group Publications
Summit is a Rip off I send in $35 and two weeks later I received nothing not even a letter They made me feel that I would be making a lot of money just by

Summit Group Publications
Would have Ripped Me & My Family off

Summit Group Publications

Summit group publications
Summit Group Publications ripoff consumer fraud ripoff West Ccovina

Summit Group Publications
Disgusting criminals who almost ripped me off

Summit Group Publications
Ripoff glad I came to this site!

Summit Group Publications

Summit Group Publications
Consumer rip-off fraud

791Summit Group Publications
Summit Group Publications Did Not Send Money Thanks To Your Website Thanks, Knew it was too good to be true! Deceptive company ripoff waste of time

Summit Group Publications