Robert Latte Of REM Studios
Robert Owczarek Latte Of REM Studios where dreams become nightmares

Education & Science

I signed a contract which promised training for a major competition, a photo shoot and a fully paid trip to and from the convention/competition in New York City. The contract included the hotel and convention fees along with professional teachers to assist me in preparation.

When I went to my classes I spent most of my time waiting for the teacher to get there and then no one would show up so the "director" (aka Robert) of the program would coach me; that would have been okay except that he is not a teacher and spent most of the time telling me stories from his past vacations. I kept hoping things would get better.

A couple months into the contract I realized I had problem but I stayed with the program because I would be losing thousands of dollars if I broke the contract. I hoped that once we got closer to the convention date Robert would buckle down and get me the professional teaching he promised me.

Three days before the competition, Robert disappeared. He did not answer calls and he was not at the studio. The group of students thought he had perhaps gone ahead to New York to finish preparations. I tried to hope for the best thinking REM Studios was a legitimate business.

When got to the airport on Sunday most of us had tickets but some people had to buy theirs because none were waiting for them. We paid what we had to and got on the plane hoping that was the last of the problems.

We landed in New York City and found out that we had no bus waiting for us and our hotel rooms were not paid fact, some of us were not even listed at the hotel. We were stranded at the airport unless we shelled out hundreds of dollars more to pay for shuttles and hotel rooms. Robert was still not answering our phone calls.

One group member called the convention head and found out that we were not registered with the convention. They had not spoken to Robert for several days.

With thousands of dollars spent I received 1 round trip ticket to New York city which would ordinarily only cost me $100 or less.

Company: Robert Latte Of REM Studios
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 3511 West Belmont Ave
Phone: 18887362281
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Robert Owczarek - Latte At REM Studios
Embezzlement of money, Broken Promises, Broken commitments

REM Studios, Latte Modeling Agency, Robert-Owczarek-Latte, Derrick Daily, Kiki Wellman
REM Studios, Latte Modeling And Talent Agency, Robert Owczarek-Latte, Derek Daily, Kiki Wellman Major Business Scam, consumer beware, we lost almost $10,000

REM STUDIOS, Robert Owczarek. Latte
REM STUDIOS Robert Owczarek, Latte They will rip money off of you and kill your dreams

REM Studios
Embezzlement by owner Robert Latte

Rem Studios / Latte Model Talent Agency / Robert Owczark (Latte)
Rem studios / scam! Scam! Scam! Dallas, indianapolis, la, nyc

Disregards contracts and laws to screw its customers ripoff

John Robert Powers Philadelphia
Phillymodels, jrpowerephilly Ripoff Took my money for High Priced Convention and I got Nothing

Robert M. Amparan
I Paid this guy thirty thousand dollars to represent my husband and Robert M. Amparan Did Nothing except ripoff
Ripoff, hotel was too far from universal world over 13 miles $84 round trip cab lost $100 on universal tickets

Robert Blackman Direct Mail Workshop
Promised Direct Mail Workshop that included writing your postcard and 1000 leads but he never delivered