Alyon Technologies
Ripoff consumer (censored) ripoff

Education & Science

I received a bill in the mail in the amount of $185.82 from these folks for some sort of web service on a morning when the only one home was my 12 year old son. When I called, they said it was for 31 minutes of xxx movies. When I told the woman that only a 12 year old was home she accused me of interuppting and being rude by trying to talk over her and refused to discuss it further.

My son, who I almost felt like killing, told me that pop up adult ads kept coming on and as he tried to click each one closed, yet another two or three would open. He told me he just kept clicking and trying to close things and never watched any movie.

I now find that there are cookies and icons installed on my computer without my permission as well. I don't know who these jerks are, but I am going to reprt them to everyone and anyone I can think of. It is outrageous! My son would not even begin to know all of the information needed to fill out an application to get on this program. Also the account was opened under my husband's name and he is "computer illiterate" (I keep trying to talk him into sitting with me to learn, but he has been too busy.)

So, in short, this is not only (censored), it is child abuse as they have exposed my son to God knows what (we all know internet sex sites have some VERY perverse (animals or incest anyone?!) things.) I am very, very ticked off about this and they are going to be very, very sorry they screwed around with me when I get finished with them, I'll tell you that!

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
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Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored), dishonest (censored)- billing, slime balls, evil dirt bags

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored) billing identity theft consumer ripoff

Alyon Technologies
Rip-off (censored) dirt bags (censored) ripoff swindler swindlers

Alyon Technologies
Victimized many consumers fraudulent ripoff business rip off spam (censored)

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff dishonset (censored) billing deceptive company screwed others too ripoff (censored) victimized us

Technologies ripoff nobody was on the computer or was even at home!

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored) Billing

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff rip off (censored) (censored) Internet

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies (censored) ripoff billing

Alyon Technology
Alyon Technologies ripoff I was sent a (censored) bill, For services not used