Regency Beauty Institute
The biggest waste of time ever!

Education & Science

I started Regency Beauty Institute at the South Bend campus in march i was part of the first class that started there. When we started everything was perfect i loved it i woke up every morning stoked. All i ever wanted to do was was be a cosmetologist ever since i was 6 years old.

The first month and a half was amazing i had straight A's getting all 90% or higher on all of my tests i even had 100% attendance. This was so different for me i was horrible in high school (which i might add i graduated early from high school in January and my official graduation was is june).. I finally found something that i truly knew that i would never begin to hate it. Or so i thought..

After about a month and a half the perfect school that i fell in love with since day one took a total hard left straight to HELL! And at first i didnt know why and whose fault it was. Eventually it became clear to everyone..

New classes came and for the first week of each class coming in the school took another hard right back to perfect until once again they were past the amount of day that they could leave than it went back to taking another hard left

When i first started i two of the most amazing teachers ever. Who was Miss Pam and Miss Barb. They were always there for me until the campus manager might i add her name MISS DONNISE found out that i was talking to them about my personal problem. My regency adviser told me i would talk to either my campus manager or my educators whom ever i felt most comfortable with. But according to miss donnise that was not allowed i wasnt allowed to talk to them and that was why she is there.

I'm not going to talk about my personally issues with someone who i do not feel comfortable with. Every time that i tried to talk to her she made me feel stupid and talked to me like i was 3 and she is the rudest person i have ever met. If i asked her a question about something that i was doing she looked at me dumb founded and got shitty about it making me sound like an idiot.

I personally feel along with other students at this school that this is not how a school should be ran. I have only found one complaint from one person from different campus locations regarding this school corporation... But this specific campus the SOUTH BEND CAMPUS. Already has 3 and more will be posting.

Several students have already filed a formal complaint from her and others have personally recorded (me being included) conversations where she does not allow us to speak criticizes everything that we say or do. And to her she is always right and the student or instructor is always wrong...

She as already run one instructor (Miss Barb) and one student (Amy) out of the school because she is such a power happy b*ch.

My dad is the only parent that comes into that school for information. She is a manipulative, two-faced, kiss ass person. My dad will come in and she will tell him how i am her number one student and how everyone loves me and she loves having me there but as soon my dad leaves she turns back into satin.

Story: one day i was on the desk. Being forced to call random people and advertise the school (oh yea i forgot about that: advertising is the students job. Not the schools therefore no one was coming in because we can advertise to a whole freaking city..) anyways the student that was supposed to be working on the floor was sick that day. I was asked to work both the floor and the desk. But since i was not on the floor that day i was not required to bring my kit. (which i didnt) i was than sent home at lunch by the assistant manager since miss donnise was not there that day. Again.
The next day my dad came into the school to get some information from miss donnise about my progress. As soon as she got there he was talking to another student named Tracy just talking about random stuff. She than proceeded to say "YOUR ONLY SAYING GOOD THINGS RIGHT?!?!" with a very nervous tone knowing my dad has seen right through her fake nicey nice act.
She than invited my dad into her office. And he first right off the bat asked her why is was sent home the previous day. She than began to once again put on her nice ask and say that i wasn't sent home and that she was begging me to stay. Which is a crock of shit because SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE THAT DAY!
She also tried to not print off papers that my dad was wanting. She just tried showing him off the computer and changing the subject. He than tried a different approach saying that he needed a hard copy to lay down and say you missed this day this day and this day now tell me why. Than she printed them for him just because she thought i was getting in trouble. I have many stories like this but this was the most recent and the most out of line..

This school is already bad and it is only getting worse not to mention its still just the beginning. You are required so many marks and there are some teachers not giving you all of them and this is just my personal opinion from talking to my dad i think that miss donnise is editing peoples marks. Especially since my dad saw an editing program on her computer. This school is not worth your money and i highly recommend you not even applying.

I currently just quit Regency Beauty Institute and now i have enrolled in Premier College of Cosmetology. Yea Regency has the amazing looks of the performance floor. And what not. But the campus manager is what has ruined the school for so many students. Premier might not have all of the new fancy things. But it works and the atmosphere is so much better. Everyone is smiling and having a good time and as soon as you walk in the door you are being greeted by at least 3 different people even students that are not on the desk plus every student is working on a client. On the other hand when you walk into Regency all you see is a ghost town one person behind the desk with a fake smile reciting the same line that we have to say to everyone that walks into the door even if they are just UPS..

Even though i am no longer going to Regency i will still do whatever it takes to get Miss Donnise fired so that the student that are stuck there and cannot leave due to it is one of two schools in the area that accepts financial aid. I don't want them to have to put up with this especially since this is just the beginning and it is only bound to get worse. I promise to all of you i will do whatever it can to get rid of her ass for all of you..

I'm not just writing this to inform the readers I'm writing this to defend the student that are not only scared of miss donnise. But are terrified of her so bad thinking that she will make their lives a living hell like she already has to one student that defended herself (Athena).. Not only does she come in for announcements every morning and ream our asses for the littlest and stupidest shit ever she just discourages all of the students to the point where they are hating cosmetology now.

This is not how a school should be ran. And i personally think that she should be fired. This school might actually have a chance if they get rid of miss donnise and hire a new campus manager. Im sorry that a brand new school that just opened in march is already getting this shitty of a review but there is only one way to fix of this and that is to get rid of the problem it's not right for one person to run all of the teachers and student out of the school when you could just eliminate one person (miss donnise) and solve all of the issues occurring in this school.

Once again this school is called Regency Beauty Institute and it is the campus in South Bend, Indiana. If you go for a tour and see that miss donnise is still the campus manager. Do not further go through enrolling until she is fired. So don't forget to ask!!! And if you do enroll. Document EVERYTHING that happens with miss donnise..

Company: Regency Beauty Institute
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Mishawaka
Address: 4150 Grape Road
Phone: 5742540495
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