Aria, Getsmart deceptive sales, persuasive telemarketing

Education & Science

Divorce can lead to bad debt and bad credit. Don't let it happen to you!

Married for ten years, five kids aged 1-7. Divorced spouse to give myself and my children A CHANCE TO HAVE A LIFE!!!

Worked nights for 4.50/hr, attended college during the day for 5 years. Not one dollar did I want nor get in the way of child support. I left with the kids, a few clothes and the NINTENDO my son could not leave without. He defaulted on the house loan paid for with my trust fund.

During college THEY (credit card company - PROVIDIAN) called, and "baby really needed a new pair of shoes." Providian claimed that they could help me to "rebuild" my credit.

rebuild - to rebuild, re-establish, restore, recreate.
Now, after I have been a on time bill paying member for 5 plus years. I was transfered to emerge from getsmart from aria never has the interest rate been lowered.
I now hold a Masters Degree, I am a Director of 68 people in critical care areas in a hospital. I have budgets of over six figures which we meet annually, due to my management skills.

My annual income last year was 110 K. Literally hundreds of people have and still do place their lives in my hands on a daily basis. Providian still considers me a high risk, high interest kind of "investment."

I am paying off both those high interest rate cards and saving my money for me and my children. At no point do "They" make the decision you are no longer a poor risk, how is this rebuilding? It is simply high risk for a company to initiate credit, once proven, I do, in my humble opinion believe 5 years validates proven.

On another note, as I still practise Nursing, my job and how I conduct myself is one of the most respected profession in the world, rating above the clergy. Where, do those people who make decision to keep me in a poor risk category, simply to get the rich richer and the poor poorer rate among you the reader?

Furthermore, do you really think the next time they are admitted to a hospital seriously ill or for simple surgery that they will think twice about the nurse taking care of them? I assure you she/he knows where you work it's on the chart. But rest assure that nursing is only for people who are genuine and have a need to help their fellow man. Just like Providian promised to help me — NOT!!!

I will pay this off and have peace knowing in the end those involved in the blood suckin and the lies will pay also, life is to closely connected and too fragile. I wish them no wrong honestly, I also wish they were not needed. Life has taught me we all have our own torments. You don't have to get or wish for revenge, it happens anyway, it's the way the universe works.

Who false promises

Company: Providian
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Tilton
Phone: 8667053606
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