Primeone Financial (aka) Primeone Benefits
Ripoff fraudulent New York

Education & Science

I was called about a credit card and they were going to charge me $100. Well, they never sent me any credit card. All I got was a packet full of coupons 37 days after they withdrew the money out of my bank account. They withdrew $187.

All I want is my money back. They sent the packet back and I put a tracker so I know when they would receive it. But the phone number that I used to call when I was waiting for the credit card that I never got its out of service. If someone knows how I can reach these dogs, or can help me out on getting my money back - please help.

Company: Primeone Financial (aka) Primeone Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York, Ny
Address: 61 East 8th Street #140
Phone: 4165421611
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Financial Benefits ripoff fraudulent ripoff business USA

Prime One Financial
Primeone Financial ripoff dishonest fraudulent credit card scam dirty SOB's They withdrew 187.00 from my mother's bank account

PrimeOne Benefits Aka PrimeOne Financial
Prime One Benefits Aka Prime One Financial Ripoff scam - no actual credit card - they just want the money

Primeone Benefits - (Aka) Prime One Financial
Primeone benefits aka prime one financial ripoff new york

PrimeOne Benefits
Told Me that I will be signing up for a Credit card, and they took $217.00 out of my account!

Prime One Financial
Aka Primeone Benefits they robbed me

Primeone Credit Services
Ripoff con-artists being a single mom of 3 boys is hard enough without being robbed as well

Primeone Financial
Ripped off and scammed for 187.00 out of my savings with a promise of a credit card

Prime One Benefits

Prime One Benefits
Ripoff took money out of bank electronicly for credit card never sent card ripoff deception fake fraud business liars