International Library Of Poetry
Ripoff Internet

Education & Science

Just a quick thankyou, if it wasn't for your site I would of been one of the many who got RIPPED-OFF by the international library of poetry RATS... I received a letter today saying that I was a semi finalist in one of their competitions and could have my poem in a book Eternal Portraits. All this for $49.95.
Silly me was going to send the cheque and get what I thought would be a great gift for my kids when there older. Luckily enougth I stumbled across your site just in time to stop me. Thankyou soooo much

United Kingdom

Company: International Library Of Poetry
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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The International Library of Poetry
Ripoff of poetry and (aka International Library of Poetry) aka International Library of Poetry -A MEAN SPIRITED RIP-OFF GOES WORLD-WIDE

Howard Ely - International Library Of Poetry
They sent me a letter stating I had one as a semi-finalist in a poetry competitionMy poem would be published for free in a book - International Library Of Poetry International Library Of Poetry After writing a poem, they sent a letter telling me I had talent and encourage me to buy their book at 49.99, that I will be published in, what a scam!

Howard Ely - The International Library Of Poetry
Ripoff My son received a letter from ILP and now he feels devastated. We were all so happy with the news and feel so disappointed and hurt now. Owings Mills

Howard Ely - International Library Of Poetry
Howard Ely The company stole poems and money from me

The International Library Of Poetry -
The International Library Of Poetry continual offers "your nomination for Who's Who in Poetry / International Library Of Poetry
Messed with my daughter's emotions with their dishonest, fake, stupid scam

1poetry plaza owings md 21117
The international library of poetry1 in august 7 i received a letter with vip p3225525-999[1] from the international library ol poetry from owings saying that my poem named 'for ever always ', was selected among 33 poets for THE SOU

International Library Of Poetry