Agm International
Took my money, then screwed me, just like everyone else Isreal internet

Education & Science

Fortunately I only gave this company $650. But I'm so pissed that this company would do this to people. I was so excited for this opportunity, thoughts about the future, etc.

I worked so hard to start this business up at the end of 2002. I realized something was wrong when a number of my ads on the internet were reverting their web address back to the companies main moneyforyou address. I'd change them back to my address and they would just revert back again.

I want to keep filing complaints to stop other people from making this mistake.

It's hard to believe this company is still up and running and taking peoples money. We need to get this company off the net as soon as we can.

Company: Agm International
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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AGM International
SCAM RIPOFF WORLDWIDE RIP-OFF $Millions lost to scam artist hiding in They Are Trying To Prosecute Him But Need People To Testiy! Isreal

Scamm Orlando

William Howard Agency
This company will not perform as promised

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International Super Roof Ltd.— IEL, International Exteriors Ltd., —Fin-All Super Roof—Interlock In Ghost Company

AGM International
Internet Fraud Wilmington I, Too. Was ripped off by

Compliance Review Group
Consumer Report

Ubs International Business Strategies
UBS International Business Strategies Suck ripoff con artist fake ripoff

PC Connection, Inc
Beware of this company!

Global Travel International
The ripoff that never ends We change the cancellation rules to fit our needs Don't copunt on any governmental consumer protection agencies in the State of Florida to help you