Devry University
Devry charges exhorbitant tuition fees

Education & Science

I attended Devry for a single semester. I realized in the second week when the bills started to arrive that something was not right. They quoted me $50,000-$60,000. For a 3-year bachelors program but at over $10,000. Per semester for full time at Devry, the math does not make sense! $30,000/Year times 3 years = $90,000. And that's only if you finish in 3 years! I took them to California small claims court and won a $6500. Judgment against them (it is easy to do without a lawyer), but they still refuse to pay and they are holding my transcript hostage which has brought my education to a complete standstill as I had to drop out since I cannot obtain any college financing of any type, (loans or grants) until after I get Devry to release my transcript. If you are thinking about going to Devry, do some more research. You will find tons of complaints and lawsuits alleging overcharging and worthless degree value. There has been many class action suits against them and the California Department of Consumer Affairs is working on legislation to force these private colleges to realistic regulations. They are presently unregulated, even here in California whereas any real college in California is regulated by strict guidelines and business code. AVOID Devry University. Go to a real college. Especially here in California we have the best community and state college system in the country. Use it!!

Company: Devry University
Country: USA
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CT Corporation, Devry University
CT Corporation, Devry University Devry refuses to provide college transcripts, Brings my education to a halt

DeVry University
Awful place

DeVry University
Beware of devry thieves!

CT Corporation dba Devry University
Exhorbitant Tuition Fees and dishonest billing

DeVry University
DeVry made me what I am today

Devry University, Devry Institute Of Technology
Devry is all lies, Devry will try to get as much money from you as they can, and they will not meet their promises

DeVry University Orlando, FL Campus
Scam and Rip Off!

DeVry University
Education Scam

DeVry University
Fraud and cheating

Devry University
Take it from someone on the inside, DeVry University cares only about stock prices, and making their recruiting numbers