Alyon Technologies, Guinea Bissau
Unsolicited Porn Telephone Charges, Porn Hidden on My Computer dirty ripoff dogs Guinea Bissau Georgia

Education & Science

I received long distance charges from AT&T (who is not my long distance company) for a total of $209.36 for two calls. One of 4 minutes length, the other of 26 minutes length to Guinea Bissau. When we looked it up, we found that was in Africa. We were baffled since we don't know anyone in Africa. Our phone company told us that all they knew is that it was a voice call (not a computer call) and that it was to an "Adult Entertainment" site. Nice name for filthy porno.

We questioned our children. We pondered and worried. Finally we went to the internet and found that this company has been screwing other innocent people over. They have also somehow inserted porn onto my computer. I had to buy Cybersitter to get rid of them as it was impossible to delete all of their hidden trash. I learned that they hack into the automatic updates software and porn pops up - they have ways of hiding the trash on the computer.

My children and I have been subjected to more filthy images in the last few weeks than hookers see in a lifetime... I guess. I am disgusted and very angry. I spent $40 on Cybersitter so that I could have peace of mind in my own home when through no fault of ours, we were subjected to whores showing their butts off. And more. I now have a $209.36 phone bill - the highest I've ever had in my life (by far).


Company: Alyon Technologies, Guinea Bissau
Country: Afghanistan
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: Guinea Bissau, Africa
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Alyon Technologies
Put International call to Guinea Bissau on my AT&T phone bill for $172.32

Alyon Technologies Inc
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Alyon Technologies

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies ripoff business from hell. They will get what they deserve!

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Computer pop-up site adult porn billed us for telephone charges international calls