Is Dubon-ha The New Child And Latest Spin-off Of The Old DS Max, Cydor, Granto Marketing Scam
Dubon-ha -The New Children And Latest Spin-off Of The Old DS Max, Cydor, Granto Marketing Scam ripoff abused & mistreated cheated employees and screwed the customers even more corruption false promises

Education & Science

People watch out for what could possibly be a new branch and spin-off of the DS Max, Cydor, Graton Marketing family, it is called Dubon-ha or Dubonha.

In San Francisco, this Dubon-ha company posted an ad in the SF Chronicle offering jobs in Warehouse, Administration, Management, Sales and Customer Service with a weekly salary of $500. I responded to this ad more out of curiousity than necessity, and what I saw really bothered me.

I went for an interview but I wasn't told anything specific about the company or what they do, except that they were a promotional company and that they had done work for Disney, but I was really suspicious of this since I didn't see anything in their bare offices that suggested this. All I was asked, is how long have you lived in the city and how would you rate your people skills, and I was asked to come back for a second interview where I would spend the whole day with a trainer, so I would get a better IDEA of what they do. I left and told them I would be there, but was extremely suspicious.

Once at home, I decided to look them up in the Internet and see what I could find out, but nothing turned out, so I turned to the reference the interviewer maded to DS Max and bingo!

I don't know if these two are related but I defiantly see parallels. Sparsely furnished offices, hordes of interviewees, very secretive, very pushy, and was asked to come for a second interview where I would be following a "trainer" the whole day.

Well, I am comvinced that this guys are related so I never showed up for the second interview, but I have been called a few times already to reschedule.

Here is one more thing to think about.

It looks like the name of these companies all have something in common and are variations on some common theme, and possibly acronyms.

Q4 = this one almost sounds legitimate but who knows what the 4 Q's really stand for?
Granton =
Cydor = side door as in side stepping everything
DS Max = Dave Stinky-Zinke
DB Alan =
DuBoNHa =

Feel free to add your own interpretations.

Company: Is Dubon-ha The New Child And Latest Spin-off Of The Old DS Max, Cydor, Granto Marketing Scam
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Address: San Francisco, CA
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Erwin Dubon
Consumer Report

JDR Marketing - Aurora Marketing Group - Cydor
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Mann Marketing Group
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