Credit Source
This company not only ripped me off but took all my hopes away from any good people They cheated employees and screwed the customers even more

Education & Science

I wanted to report Credit Source to all those people who are looking to rebuild or start credit. They call you up and ask you four questions that anyone can easily say yes to and then they make you all happy because they promise you a credit card up to 2,000 credit limit. They say it will only cost you $296.00 dollars and then from 5-10 days you will get your credit card and to use it wisely.

I feel really stupid for buying something on the phone because I've heard not to, but I was just so happy to finally recieve a credit card. Because of Credit Source I feel like an idiot and very betrayed. I just hope everyone who reads this learns from my mistake.

Company: Credit Source
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Address: 10624 Southeastern Ave. Suite A4345
Phone: 18007049552
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Wu-Yi Source
Living Lean They added a product unknown to me and charged my credit card $19.95. I have never received or even been notified about this product!

Wu-Yi Source
And Living LeanWu-Yi Source I was charged 20.45$ to my credit card from living lean which is some how associated with Wu-Yi Source. I did not agree to pay this nor had I ever heard of Living Lean. Nicosia

American Credit Source
AKA Phoenix Gold. Credit Card Scam, don't listen to their lies!

Summit Source
Ripped off by Summit Source for 15% cancellation fee and $50 chargeback fee Fort Wayne

Wu-Yi Source
Wu-Yi, Wu-Yi Source - BEWARE!

Credit Education Group Source One Credit Solutions
RIPOFF deceptive company screwed others too

Wu-Yi Source
Is Not a Free Trial

'phoenix Gold' & 'american Credit Source'
Is a fraud!

The Source By Circuit City
Break their 1 year zero payment promises Canada misleading ads! $1 in their ad but $40.08 in my bill! Invalid payment but charged to my account!