Jim (James) W. Westness
He is a lying ex-convict he stole $1500 from me through asking for small loans never paid me back & disappeared Rip-off Con Artist

Education & Science

Jim Westness is a very charming individual. His birthdate is July 7,1967. He has a young son, probably 10 years old as of 2003. He lied to me about a million things. He asked for small loans for medication for depression and other sympathy inspiring things. I agreed under the condition that he would pay me back by December of 1999. He disappeared before then. He stole $1500 in all from me.

I thought I was completely in love with him. He told me that he couldn't wait to marry me. Girls, do NOT TRUST THIS MAN! He is an exconvict, he cheats on EVERY girl he's with, breaks your heart and leaves you poor.

I was going to school at the time and that was money I needed to survive. I ended up having to work the night shift and go to school full time. He knew this, but decided to run away and leave me broke and hurt instead of being a man. I know he's done this to many women before me. Be smart, stay away from him! I was also told by mutual friends that he did cocaine as well as cheated on me.

Company: Jim (James) W. Westness
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: South Beloit
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James westness
(Jim) scam con artist - excon who is supposedly trying to change his life

Jim Westness
Wow... This guy must be a pro I got ripped off by this charasmatic, charming, sympathy evoking predator

These people are so fake!

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