Alyon Technologies, eGroup
Alyon Technologies, eGroup Rip-off Organized (Censored)

Education & Science

Please contact all authorities immediately!

Every complaint is NEEDED for the authorities to see the pattern of abuse by this company and put a stop to this CRIMINAL SCAM.

Stephane Toubal, Tina McAlister, Tina Whitfield, and Joe Doherty are organized (censored), targeting ANYONE who has Internet access, (and some who do not have Internet access). They are specifically targeting children and teens more often than other unknowing individuals.

This 'nocreditcard pornography' CRIMINAL SCAM must be stopped! If you cannot verify age with proper ID such as a credit card, then adult sites SHOULD NOT BE ACCESSIBLE!

This was a very cleverly planned and executed CRIMINAL SCAM. To advertise "nocreditcard pornography pop-up" ads primarily on children/teen sites, ILLEGALLY SELF DOWNLOAD and INSTALL firewall-killers, spyware, trojan worms and dialers, send (censored) bills to owners of the telephone lines. Mr. Toubal and Ms. McAlister must have thought we'd all just 'silently' pay these (censored) bills to keep such SMUT off our credit reports, and their EVIL PLAN would work 'without a hitch'.

However, they DID NOT plan on hundreds of victims coming forward and filing complaints with the News Media, FBI, FTC, FCC, IFCCFBI, National Fraud Watch Center, Cybertipline, Attorney General Offices, Postal Inspection Services, and many other agencies.

In October President Bush increased Federal efforts to promote online safety.

In his speech, the President stated, "When a child's life or INNOCENCE is taken, a GRAVE and UNFORGIVABLE ACT HAS OCCURRED. A parent's worst NIGHTMARE has become real.

The Internet is a remarkable technology, and more than half of the nation is now online, and 75 percent of our children are online. SEXUAL (censored) use the Internet to distribute pornography and obscenity. Every day, MILLIONS OF CHILDREN (that's millions, Ms. McAlister-but you knew that all along) log on to the Internet, and every day we learn more about the evil of the world that has crept into a single year, one in four children between the ages of 10 and 17 is voluntarily or INVOLUNTARILY EXPOSED TO PORNOGRAPHY. One in five children receives SEXUAL SOLICITATION over the Internet. We've got a WIDESPREAD problem, and we're going to deal with it.

We're taking aggressive steps to protect children from exploitation and victimization. Our nation has made this commitment: ANYONE WHO TARGETS A CHILD for harm will be a primary target for law enforcement. Anyone who takes the life or innocence of a child will be punished to the full extent of the law."

mr. President, I couldn't agree with you more. ALYON TECHNOLOGIES and EGROUP are primarily targeting children and teens with their 'nocreditcard pornography' CRIMINAL SCAM. These (censored) should a primary target for law enforcement, and should be PUNISHED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW.

These pornography 'pop-up' and 'pop-under' ads are PROGRAMMED to automatically self-download and install Alyon/eGroup's items NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

I personally was bombarded with the numerous cascading pornography 'pop-ups' while online voting in a music fun poll with my eleven year-old child. Web site: I did exactly what ANY Christian mother would do, and began trying to close these numerous porn 'pop-ups'. I DID NOT 'accept' or 'agree' to ANYTHING, as I was too busy trying to close these numerous 'pop-ups'. I'm no computer whiz, but I definitely know the difference in the little 'X' in the upper right hand corner of the windows, and I 'accept' or I 'agree'. After trying unsuccessfully to close the pornography 'pop-ups', I had to manually shut down my computer to get out of them. While I was busy trying to close or exit these pornography 'pop-ups', Alyon/eGroup's items were SILENTLY self-downloading and installing to my computer without my knowledge or consent.


Some of the ILLEGAL DOWNLOAD and INSTALLATION ITEMS INCLUDE: minidialer, iedisco. Exe, elksoftfirewallkiller, I-Worm. Sobig, IEAccess/IEAccess2, StripPlayer, forgetfirst, dialsecond, activestripsetup. Dll, openme. Exe, PopupToOpen, ExitPopupCBUrl-http://usa-network., ExitPopupUrl-http://auth.Us., IEAccessUAH-http://www.normal., Electronic Billing System, Data F-http://www.normal., blacklist, video, egroup,, xww.De, start-up, hooker, strip, worm, sobig, ACX_Install, VLoading, ActiveStripSetup, and many more malicious items.

Many of these items SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.

And yes, ms. Mcalister, your products are viruses or trojan worms!

PestPatrol has ruled that IEAccess is a Trojan Virus. Http://

On 2/28/03, a report by KRON News in San Francisco calls Alyon/eGroup's dialer a "virus." They quote Jan Charter of the Federal Trade Commission, equating Alyon/eGroup's business practices with "theft" and "white collar crime". ( S=1158081&nav=5D7lEJCf)

On 2/24/03, WSAW in Wisconsin reported the same:

"Someone will unwittingly download a virus from an Email or a Web site. The virus will disconnect your modem phone line and make calls to a 1-900 number. The virus does this silently and without evidence. You don't know until the bill comes in the mail." The report ends noting the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection is investigating 57 complaints about Alyon Technologies are (censored)!

When asked by WWOR TV about the many claims of Alyon/eGroup's items 'hi-jacking' literally hundreds of computers, Mr. Toubal's reply was, "THEY ARE ALL (censored)." ALL OF US, Mr. Toubal? How can that be? I suppose this would include the City Hall in Oklahoma, the Church in South Carolina, and the HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT VICTIMS who have come forward and filed complaints.

Who exactly IS Alyon Technologies/eGroup and why are they hiding behind a PO Box? Why is there no valid addresses or telephone numbers? Why won't Alyon sign a name to a certified letter receipt or their emails? Why do they conduct their business affairs only through mail/email, with no REAL Customer Service Support to contact by phone? Why did they hide their faces when WWOR TV walked in? Why did Mr. Toubal demand that WWOR TV turn the video cameras off before agreeing to do a short interview with the reporter? If their business practices are legal and upright, then why be so SECRETIVE?

Some fear that Alyon/eGroup may be using money collected through vile criminal tactics for other criminal means, perhaps even (censored) activities. These companies have connections in 'Lyon' France, the Netherlands, and Guinea Bissau. Are they part of a (censored) group? Is there possibly a (censored) connection? Their threatening letters are TERRORIZING HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT VICTIMS.

Removal of alyon/egroup's illegal downloads and installations:

Search your computer for 'mini dialer and 'iedisco. Exe' and delete them. They have created a folder called 'eGroup'- find and delete it. They have also made changes to your Windows Registry. (See consumer complaints #45776 - items found in Windows Registry.) There are many consumer complaintss with instructions on finding and removing these ILLEGAL DOWNLOADS and INSTALLATIONS. Spybot S&D with the latest updates will find and remove ALL of Alyon/eGroup's items, if you cannot manually do this. *Use at your own risk* (Many have recommended saving these items to a disk for evidence before deleting them.)

The so-called "numerous safeguards" that Detective David Cheek (GCPD) claims are in place to prevent 'unintentional access' to the material provided by Alyon/eGroup NEVER APPEARED on HUNDREDS computers screens. (Read on—Norton Works,, and will explain WHY they never appeared.) We never had the option to "AGREE" or "DISAGREE" to ANYTHING. Alyon/eGroup's items automatically self downloaded and installed to our computers without our knowledge or consent.

Norton Works classifies Alyon/eGroup's software as "Nuissanceware and Dialerware that takes advantage of flaws in the computer web browser."

This is what and have to say about Alyon/eGroup and their products:

Electronic Group: Be EXTREMELY careful viewing pages made by these people: many of their pages exploit IE security holes (particularly the Content-Disposition zero-byte-in-extension bug) to insert their certificates into your Trusted Publishers list, allowing THEM TO INSTALL THEIR PROGRAMS AUTOMATICALLY.

E-group uses security holes in Internet Explorer for installing their software. Seems to have a secret relationship with (Alyon should be their competitor, but Alyon has it's support pages on

Products by Alyon/eGroup:
Stripplayer and IEAccess/IEAccess2

EGroup Product: Stripplayer
Full Name: StripPlayer Websearch Type: Dialer Also Known as: strip-player StripSetup
Created by: Electronic Group
Danger Level: 3 Level 3: Minimal Threat
May profile users or broadcast data back to a server with ("opt-out") permission. Removal is hard.

Comment: Installed by ActiveX 'DRIVE-BY-DOWNLOAD' on porn related pages WHICH MIGHT BE OPENED BY "POP-UP ADVERTISING".installation can happen "TOTALLY AUTOMATICALLY" on versions of Internet Explorer older than IE6 Service Pack 1, as a security hole is exploited to add the manufacturers, 'Electronic Group', to the list of publishers you trust, "ALLOWING THEM TO INSTALL ANY SOFTWARE THEY LIKE."


Properties: Stays resident in background
Stealth: hides itself from user
Makes changes to browser settings

EGroup product: IEAccess/IEAccess2
Full Name: IEAccess: Websearch Type: Dialer Also Known as: IEAccess2 eGroup
Created by: Electronic Group
Danger Level: 4 Moderate Threat: Level 4
Nearly impossible to remove manually

Comment: Installed by ActiveX "DRIVE-BY-DOWNLOAD" on porn related pages WHICH MIGHT BE "OPENED" or "REDIRECTED TO" by "POP-UP ADVERTISING". May be INSTALLED AUTOMATICALLY, WITHOUT PROMPTING, on Internet Explorer versions earlier than IE6 Service Pack 1, THANKS TO A SECURITY HOLE. The installer pages exploit this to run an EXE which adds 'Electronic Group' to the list of trusted publishers, whose software IE will install AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT ASKING.

Security Issues: IEAccess adds it manufacturers to the Window Trusted Publisher list. This means ANY web page can make sure ANY SOFTWARE signed by Electronic Group gets installed AUTOMATICALLY WHEN YOU VISIT IT. It is also suspected that it may be possible to use the IEAccess ActiveX control on ANY WEB PAGE to cause an arbitrary unsigned code to be executed.

Stealth: hides itself from user
Makes changes to browser settings

Removal-Spybot S&D update 11-17 and later can remove IEAccess.

More links about this company:

Information above provided by Norton Works, and There are many other sites that verify this information.

For YOUR protection, first:

Write a Certified letter with RETURN RECEIPT to Alyon Technologies disputing the charges. This is very important because it establishes a record of your dispute. Also, call 201-865-7600 the number to Alyon in New Jersey and tell them that 'you deny all knowledge of anyone using their web site'.

Then I recommend you do the following:

1. File a complaint with the Georgia Attorney General's Office. There is an ACTIVE INVESTIGATION, please do this NOW.
State of Georgia
Office of Consumer Affairs
2 MLK, Jr. Drive Suite 356
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: 404-656-3300

2. Go to the Attorney General's web site for your state and file a complaint.

3. Go to the Federal Trade Commission's web site and file a complaint. Http://www.ftc. Gov

4. File a complaint with the IFCCFBI
http://www1. Ifccfbi. Gov/index.Asp

5. Submit a tip to: http://www.fbi. Gov The FBI is also currently investigating Alyon Technologies. Please file complaints NOW!

6. File complaint with http://www.fcc. Gov
Federal Communication Commission
Email: fccinfo@fcc. Gov

7. File a complaint with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. A bogus bill is (censored)!
Postal Inspector Hotline: 207-871-8587

8. File a complaint with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

9. The Internet Fraud Watch Center 800-876-7060

10. Contact WWOR TV

11. Write a complaint to the Mayor of Norcross, Georgia Lillian Webb
Norcross Website:

12. Write a complaint to the mayor of Secaucus, NJ Dennis Elwell

13. Write a letter to Planning Commissions of Gwinnett County, (Lorraine Green)

14. File a complaint with AT&T since they may have helped switch your carrier without your consent (a slamming violation)

15. Your State Senators and Representatives

16. File a consumer complaints. FBI, FTC, and other agencies look at Usa Consumer Consumer complaints puts these agencies in touch with victims who filed a consumer complaints.

17. Write a letter to The Whitehouse regarding Child Online safety. Refer to the President's speech. He made a great speech now it's time to have his help in going after Alyon Technologies.

President Increases Federal Efforts to Promote Online Safety

Http://www.whitehouse. Gov/news/releases/10/print1023-8.html

Contacting the White House
The White House Mailing Address

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
The White House Phone Numbers

COMMENTS: 202-456-1111
SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
TTY/TDD Phone Numbers (for the Hearing Impaired Only)

202-456-6213 Comment Line
202-456-2121 Visitors Office

White House E-Mail Addresses

President George W. Bush: president@whitehouse. Gov

Vice President Richard Cheney: vice. President@whitehouse. Gov

DO NOT send these (censored) a copy of your child's birth certificate. Only a Government Agency can require you to do this.

A minor cannot enter into a binding contract!


Consumer Credit Regulation: 800-332-8529

Please file complaints with all authorities listed in these usacomplaints. Coms.

We will not let up, back off, or give in until we see this criminal company shut down!

Thank you, Ed Magedson, Editor consumer complaints and Gregory for you hard work in providing information.

Longville, Louisiana

Company: Alyon Technologies, eGroup
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: PO Box 921549
Phone: 2018657600
  <     >  


Alyon Technologies, EGroup
Alyon Technologies, eGroup rip-off CONTACTING ALL AUTHORITIES IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! And Secaucus New Jersey

Alyon Technologies/USCI
Alyon Technologies USCI Ripoff So What Now Gregory? Do We All File Complaints With New Jersey AG Office? Ripoff business from hell

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon technolies rip-off to all victims of

Alyon Technologies
Criminal Enterprise Online (censored) Artists & (censored) Billing Rip-off

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff rip off (censored) (censored) Internet

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff-PLEASE CONTACT ALL AUTHORITIES: (censored) ripoff business victimized many consumers

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies Inc ripoff (censored) business victimized many consumers FIGHTING BACK

Alyon Technologies/eGroup
Alyon Technologies eGroup ripoff victimized many consumers

Alyon Technologies
EGroup, USCI, TellCollect, Rip-off WSBTV Atlanta News Segement & New Jersey

Alyon Tech
Nologies (censored)-OF-EARTH TROJAN, PARASITES, FILTH PUSHERS infiltrated Computer Firewall already in place, AND Norcross, Georgia