Tree House Marketing
Ripoff tricked and lied to us

Education & Science

I inquired about an acne product on the Internet called Oxiderm. Soon, I received a phone call offering me a 3 month supply for a trial period. Although I gave them my credit card number (stupid me!)

I was assured by the nicest lady that it would NOT be charged the $9.95 until AFTER the trial period IF I had not returned the unused portion by that time. It sounded like a good deal. She said that they were running a special promotion that she could offer TWO trials for $9.95! Sounded good. Too good. My credit card has already been charged the $9.95 and I have NOT received the stuff yet! Not only that, the bill I received in my email says I owe a total of $399.90!

I am NOT going to pay it and I am sending a dispute tomorrow! I tried to call the number on the bill, but got no answer. The bill doesn't even MENTION the 3 month period at all. I was lulled into feeling safe because the caller had me to verify everything on tape with a supervisor. It sounded very professional.

Company: Tree House Marketing
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
Address: 404 West 5050 North
Phone: 8006989997
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Tree House Marketing
Fraudulent dishonest ripoff billing

Tree House Marketing
Ripoff Tree House marketing in my opinion SUCKS

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Ripoff, illegal credit card charges, lied about return policy consumer fraud ripoff

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Ipoff, false promises, swindlers

Tree House Marketing
Rip-off Unauthorized charge to my credit card

Tree House Marketing
Ripoff, stole, fraudulent billing What a crooked company. A bunch of thieves is all they are

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Tree house marketing turley-thompsom ripoff harrassing me and they want my money

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Tree House Marketing
Ripoff scam