Professional Bartending School Of Nashville
Job Placement Assistance my A

Education & Science

Well I just wanted to let everybody know that if you think that bartending would be a good way to make a living, it probably is but you better know some facts before entering the Professional Bartenders School of Nastyville. First off a little about myself. I moved from Las Vegas Nevada where I had resided and worked in the Casino industry for over 12 years as a Casino Table Games dealer and as a Table Games Supervisor. So I think I have a pretty good grasp of customer service and how to handle myself in a fast paced environment. I also in 2006 was awarded the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Customer Service award. I also had the pleasure of working next to some of the best bartenders that the industry has ever seen. So not to run on about my resume, but when you read about my experience at this P.O.S. School you'll know why I went into the details. Well first off I joined the school after about 5-6 months of having a hard time finding a job in the Nashville area, I felt that with all my customer service and managing experience that I would easily land a job in Tennessee. Not the case, I soon learned that if you are not from the south then your applications get VERY overlooked. But I'll leave that for another discussion. So I made an appointment to meet with there administrator to discuss maybe going to their school. I went into much detail with this person and explained my qualifications and the fact that times were getting so bad finding a job that I needed serious fact I also explained that I had to borrow the 535.00 just to go to the school. She then looked at me with ALL the confidence in the world and told me that they had plenty of places looking for someone just like me, I am 43 years old and a white male. She told me that the HIGH END places did not like hiring young kids with tattoos and endless piercings. She said that places like the Radison and Emassy Suites loved my type of person. She also brought in the Director David and she explained to him my hard times and he again reassured me that all would be fine and to trust them, they had plenty of places for me. They said that after I graduated that they would work with me one on one and never stop till I'm employed. YES!!! I am in the right place! WRONG, read on. So I showed up all pumped and excited for class ready to make the best bartender in Nashville! My instructors name was Randy, Randy is the first and last word on job placement assistance in this school. So if Randy doen not like you, you could be Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail and be out in the cold. But anyways we learned to make all the drinks and practiced all of them after each lesson. I was doing great! In order to graduate you have to be able to make 12 drinks in 8 minutes. You also had tests at the end of each week and I aced them all. I knew I was in trouble with Randy when he started making stupid comments about bartenders responsibilitys and how a bartender would never overserve a customer no matter how much that customer tipped. Yes folks I went off, I've forgotten more about this situation that he will ever know, remember where I'm from and what I've seen from not only bartenders but cocktail waitresses. If you are a big tipper in most cases you can drink yourself into a coma. Lets not get into drunk driving deaths statistics. So he and I went back and fourth over this for a couple of minutes and after that I knew I was doomed. Randy for starters is supposed to be this great bartender but I've got news for a tipped industry attitude is everything and he does not have a personality. Trust me those who can do and those who cant teach. So back to class, I was making 14-16 drinks in my alloted time and I was one of the fastest in class. I even had Randy in front of me watching me kick butt. So on the day of our final exam I was ready for the written final and the speed test. I was pumped! First off I passed the written test and awaited the speed test. Randy then asked who would like to go first, and guess who jumped up first, yes me. So he came over with his stop watch and clearly stated what we had to do and he would control the stop watch. So he said go and before I could even start to pour my first drink he started yelling at me "what are you doing" I was puzzled, where was this coming from. So I figured since it was the final maybe it was going to be more challenging. But he kept on me and I made 11 drinks instead of 12. Not the end of the world, Id get another chance. Next up was two of the girls, now these girls were a train wreck, they never made more than 6-7 drinks since day one all the way up to the last day. But they were young and pretty girls. Randy was obviously smitten to say the least. So I was thinking after my speed test that they would be toast! So they step up there and he says go, OH MY GOD they were fumbling everything and not a word! I then spoke up and said "whats this"? The guy next to me said the same thing as he was taking his test the same time I was. Randy also kept stopping the stop watch everytime they messed up. I pointed that out and he got pissed. I'm sorry but I got paid a lot of money over the years by multi billion dollar companys to be an observer. I've caught many many cheats in Las Vegas and I cant help it if I clearly saw what he was doing, CHEATING! I was also keeping a stop watch on the girl also and the guy next to me knew I was also. I was fair and she failed bad, but Randy let her fumble to make 14 drinks. He said she did it in 8 minutes but I had 14 minutes. He then deballed me in front of the class after the girls speed test, and again I knew I was doomed. Needless to say I passed and he then proceeded to piss and moan during our graduation ceremony about what I caught him doing. This man is not worthy of his ego and is in charge of job placement. I after this happened went to the Director and explained what was going on and he talked to Randy and well needless to say, it's been 6 months since my graduation and I havent heard anything. I've called and sent countless emails asking for help to get no response accept to be told that I'm a very gruff and rude individual. No, I'm a professional and I've got plenty of backup on that one. If I was so rude and gruff then how is it that I made it in the tipped customer service industry for over 12 years? And I have references and a resume that have earned me plenty? Randy is a Nazi and a horrible human being and should be sent back to the bowling alley bar where he belongs. I also want a refund for the misrepresentation and false promises made to me.By the way all the "good looking" girls all had jobs that Randy got for them inside of the first week of graduation and every job I went out on I emailed Randy and told him where I was applying and never got a call back. Hmmmm. I then realized he was calling them and down talking me. I found out. And again the Director David would rather call me a trouble maker than investigate the real problem. Give me my money back!!!

Company: Professional Bartending School Of Nashville
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Nashville
Address: 2710 Old Lebanon Pike
Phone: 6158855800
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Pizza Hut
Poor management

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Burger King
Terrible experience