Cross Country Bank

Education & Science

In October I was charged a $30 fee for a returned check. The check was never returned for insufficient funds. I faxed and mailed my bank statements 3 times to have the $30 credited to my account. Due to Cross Country Banks error, the $30 charge caused my account to exceed my line of credit for which I was charged an additional $30. I have still gotten no satisfaction from anyone and every month since I have incurred a $30 over limit fee.

There is no one at Cross Country Bank that cares about the customer. Supervisors I have spoken to, have been more rude and useless than their customer service representatives. I finally just gave up trying. I don't have the time or energy to keep fighting with these people. I am sure they figured that eventually I would get tired of calling, to be put on hold eternally, mailing and faxing information with no results. They were right!!

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: P.O. Box 310711, Boca Raton, fl, 33431
Phone: 8002255030
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