Alyon Technologies
Billing for services not provided ripoff business from hell

Education & Science

Was billed for suppossedly using internet sex service. Date was for time only myself was at home. I did have pop up an my screen and clicked in to try to have taken off an list of theirs. Was able to get into Alyon sight and block my phone number from their use. Was charged for this time as if using sex site. I detest the fact that sex services are even available on internet and the fact that I am ask to prove I did not use site is ludicrous. Why should burden of proof be on me. They invaded my home, not the other way around.

I wrote to company explaining above information. I also forwarded copy of letter to Ky Attorney General's Office. I received a 3 page form letter of how to dispute by getting copies of my phone bill, etc. Again, why should this be my responsiblity. I'd be interrested in knowing how many people have experienced same problem and if anything is being done about it. I generally am against law suits but I would love to take on (censored) bag companies like these. Even if they were a legitimate business they are nothing but pimps for the sex sites.

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: PO Box 923299 Norcross, Ga 30010-3299
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