International Library of Poetry.,
International Library of Poetry, Rip-Off Scam Users Need to be sued & shut down

Education & Science

Well, I take it that if you are reading this you found out about it the same way I did. I was shocked. To think that they meaning list poems dedicated to Sept. 11th is a shame.

I myself was all to excited to recieve my letter stating that I had artistic quality and that my poem was going to be published. So I called family and friends telling them about my good fortune. Yes, call me a sucker because I sent off for the book and also paid for my artist profile.

Upon reading the reports listed in here, I got curious myself and gave them a call. They recieved my money all right. The check has cleared my account. So I wasn't to surprised when they told me that my artist profile was not recieved. Go figure. I wrote that with my artist proof and sent the check in at the same time.

How could they not have gotten the profile. It was only written on the same page. I was told that I would be refunded my money for the artist biography. That does not make me happy.

My poem was specially dedicated to those who have loved, lost and suffered with a disease called cystic fibrosis. A disease that my own daughter has. It was my one chance to get the word out about this disease and make a special dedication to my angel in waiting (daughter). I paid the money for it, sent it in and some how my check went through but nothing else was recieved by them.

I encourage those to not send in the money. Don't get your hopes up. It is the worlds largest poetry site and the worlds largest scammers for taking away people's hopes and dreams., you should feel ashamed.

Company: International Library of Poetry.,
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Owing Mills
Address: 1 poetry plaza
Phone: 4103562000
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The International Library Of Poetry -
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Messed with my daughter's emotions with their dishonest, fake, stupid scam

The International Library of Poetry
Ripoff of poetry - International Library Of Poetry International Library Of Poetry After writing a poem, they sent a letter telling me I had talent and encourage me to buy their book at 49.99, that I will be published in, what a scam! and (aka International Library of Poetry) aka International Library of Poetry -A MEAN SPIRITED RIP-OFF GOES WORLD-WIDE

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International library of poetry
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The International Library Of Poetry
Aka National Library Of Poetry, Aka Poetry ripoff - Aka The International Library Of Poetry aka the international library of poetry rip off and fraudulant company