High-Tech Institute, Inc., Anthem Online College
Anthem Online College is a HUGE ripoff!

Education & Science

I graduated from high school in 2006 and had every intention on attending college.By the end of 2006 my now husband and I received the news that we were going to be parents. It was very unexpected and threw our lives up in a whirlwind. We decided before our son arrived that I would stay home to take care of the baby. The income that I would have earned would have went towards childcare.

In mid August I began looking in to online colleges. I searched Phoenix college and filled out an information form to receive information. After many phone calls I limited it down to two schools. AIU and Anthem. The school rep that I talked to was Jessica Rivera and she made Anthem sound like a pretty decent school.

Once I chose Anthem that was the last time I spook to her. She set up an appointment between the Financial aid and I. I can't recall who I talked to then but I was reassured that no matter what my first quarter would be covered and I wouldn't be expected to pay anything. I asked and made sure of this a few times because with my husband being the only one working we really wouldn't be able to afford another bill.

I did attend Anthem for 15 weeks. The worst 15 weeks of my life. I had no life. I would stay up all hours of the night trying to complete the ridiculous assignments. And not to mention a huge paper that was do the same week of Christmas. I had a confirmation with one of the teachers with an assignment, twice! The teacher did nothing about my problems so I contacted the course manager and no one ever responded to me.

I now owe this school almost 10,000 for nothing. It was so unorganized. I can honestly say I didn't learn a thing. It was the biggest mistake of my life and not only do I have to suffer but my family does.

I contacted the school and was sent to the financial aid department for a break down and when I asked for it to be explained the woman had an attitude and when I asked to talk to someone else with authority she simply said, "No one is going to be able to do anything." She also said, our school, job placement is blah blah blah percent and if you were having that much trouble we do offer tutoring." This made me feel like I was nothing.

I'm hoping that someone who is considering this school finds this site and sees what a scam this school is. There is no way anyone could complete the course and be able to be put into a job.

Company: High-Tech Institute, Inc., Anthem Online College
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 16404 N. Black Canyon HWY
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Anthem College / High Tech Institute
Anthem college online is a complete joke. People are rude they do not return phone calls. They falsley advertise

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Anthem College Online is worthless

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Anthem College Online will rip you off!

Anthem College-Atlanta
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High-tech institute scam, ripoff, waste of time, could have done this on my own at home and study

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Tired of dealing with this so called school if you are to please read!

Anthem College-Atlanta
Anthem is a scam not a school

Anthem College Online - -High Tech Institute
Anthem College Online high Tech Institute Liars dishonest does not answer or call back teachers do not email back sneaky