Harris Digital Publishing - NET DETECTIVE SOFTWARE
Harris digital publishing net detective software delibeate unmistakable ripoff!

Education & Science

Sent a money order for $29 to their physical address.
Money order was cashed. No software sent at all.
Received nothing. Looked them up again to see
thier email address to email them. There IS
no email posted on their website. Saw there
was a fax number (which they post in order
to receive check-by-fax payments). Sent a
fax requesting software citing my money order.
Received no phone call email or fax reply.

Looked them up again to find telephone number
to speak to them, and found it through personal
web search, and also found usacomplaints.com site
which sites their company many times.

If these people are net detectives they choose
to ignore the many complaints posted about them.
For a legtimate company to do this would be un-
thinkable. A legitimate company would know they
are reported on the web, which they profess to
know better then the joe average surfer. One
can summise that they don't care or worse yet,
don't care and don't even know, which tells
you what their true proficiency in web searching
is! A sure fire way to lose waste your money.

I received nothing from them after sending a physical
money order that was cashed. I contacted them by fax
requesting correspondance and got none. This is a
fraudulant company!

Phoenix, Arizona

Company: Harris Digital Publishing - NET DETECTIVE SOFTWARE
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deland
Address: 1392 S Woodland Blvd
Phone: 3867363881
  <     >  


Net Detective Plus / Harris Digital Publishing / Jean Harris
Net Detective Plus, Harris PublishingNet Detective Plus, Harris Publishing, Jean HarrisNet Detective Plus, Harris Digital Publishing, Jean Harris Net Detective ripped me off

Net Detective - Harris Digital Publishing
Net Detective (Harris Digital Publishing) Double Charge in spite of refund guarantee

Jean harris digital publishing - Net Detective software
Jean harris digital publishing / Net Detective software ripoff is the name of the guarantee, consumer fraud ripoff con artist fake ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Harris Digital Publishing Group
Is a group of dirty rotten bastards who lie about detective software to get your hard earned money rip-off

Harris Digital Publishing Aka Net Detective
Net detective-yet aka harris digital publishing rip-off

Net Detective (Harris Digital Publishing)
Net Detective - Harris Digital Publishing Fraudelent Billing ripoff scam dishonest advertisement fraudelent billing con artists

Harris Digital Publishing Group
Ripoff. Non-Delivery of product, No 800# for HELP, No online HELP

Harris Digital Publishing Group
The company advertise that criminal background checks can be conducted with its net detective software. This is false advertisement ripoff

Harris Digital Publishing
Fraud, Net Detective is Not as promised. You won't find out 'til you pay!

Harris Digital Publishing
Net Detective does not give the results it promises and is trying to get more of my money