CRS Home shopping Network
Ripoff fraudulent rip-off business

Education & Science

This company took money from my account without my permission. I gave permission only once for a $99.00 enrollment fee and two months later $200 was taken out. I have not been able to purchase anything from this company. When you enter the web address you get an error saying no web address exists. If you try to call the numbers that they send you you get a busy signal and if you finally do get someone and asks for your money back and why you haven't been able to purchase anything the person tells you to wait while she transfers you only to get the phone hung up. If you try calling again you get a busy signal. These people must be stopped and it appears that I am not the only one who is a victim thus everyone's money or at least some of it should be returned.

natchez, Mississippi

Company: CRS Home shopping Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 81 W. Utah St
Phone: 7023853654
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