Verizon Wireless
Ripoff business from hell Houston

Education & Science

In June I added a cell phone 713 818 1412 to my account 713 818 2235 for 20.00 the cell phone was sharing 3000 anytime minutes with nights and weekend fee will they are charging me 40 cents for evrey minute on the 713 818 1412 cell phone the max minutes used were 1600 or so and in Oct I cancelled my service as I have spent days on the telephone trying to get this taken care of with no success.

At this time they want 2408.14 from me and they gave me a credit for Sept for 1248.00 which is not added on they are very sad sad people and I hope that nobody has anything to do with these idoits. They are the most rotten of anybody I have dealt with in my life till this point I hope they go BROKE as they are not fit to be in any kind of business

Houston, Texas

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 660108 Dallas TX 75266-0108
Phone: 8009220204
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Verizon Wireless
RIPOFF if you don't read your bill carefully they will get everything they can out of your pocket

Scammers, crafty thieves, require payment for NO services, bullying tactics cell-phone based

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