Big Shot Marketing Online - Marcus Hall
AKA Lazy Millionaire Online Failure to perform services, Promised Refund, Failed to Deliver Refund

Education & Science

I purchased the $1,997 package from Mr. Hall in September through paypal for his marketing services. His website is called He NEVER performed the agreed upon marketing services, although my bill was paid in-full.

I contacted Mr. Hall via e-mail on several occassions, and he finally responded in January stating that he had been in a car accident (a likely story), and he would refund my money since he failed to perform the work. I have sent several more e-mails since that time, but he NEVER responds to any of them, now that he has my money.

His side-kick, Jason, acted as if they were going to begin on my project immediately, but now Jason's phone number is disconnected as is Marcus'. Marcus blames Jason, but I blame Marcus. Please do not do business with these characters. They are dishonest and not the least bit trustworthy. This is the biggest rip off scam ever.

Company: Big Shot Marketing Online - Marcus Hall
Country: USA
Phone: 2817872609
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The Voodoo Twins
Macrus I understand i will help you

Marcus Harris
(lazy40 Also In Ez20) He is a scam artist (take your money and thats it)

Marcus E. Wertz
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Ty Hall - Software Millions
Ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent, false advertising, misleading

The Golden Path Biz
Stan jensen, jason hall con artist, ripped me off of $799.. Lied, cheated, deceived, stoled my money!

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Consumer Report

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