Shopping Task Inc
Sent a cashiers check for $4998.00 which was no good

Education & Science

This company sent me a letter to employ me. There was a chack with the letter for me to get started with. The check was no good.

Company: Shopping Task Inc
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Hines
Address: Suite # 105 240 S. Saginaw
Phone: 9056998011
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Shoppers Review Inc
Sent a cashiers check that was fake. I deposited into my account and did the "mystery shopping" only to be out about $5000.00 now., But Postmarked From Canada

Shoppins Task
Shopping task tear up the check it is a scam

Shopping Quest Inc
I received a letter claiming I was chosen to be a Mystery Customer shopper. The letter said to call 1-289-242-7910 ext 102 then press 1. The letter had a check with it for $4998.00

Shopping Quest Inc - Shopping Jobs Inc
Shopping Quest - Shopping Jobs received a check for 4998.00 with instructions on how to spend it

Shopping Tasks Inc
I got a cashiers check for $4998.00

Shopping Facts Inc
Shopping Facts Inc is a scam! Canadadove

RS Consulting Group
Consumer Report

Daniel Hoskins Shoppers Review
Tried to Steal Money, Through a fake check

Shopping Disbursements - Shopping Jobs
SHOPPING DISBURSEMENTS (A SUBSIDIARY OF SHOPPING JOBS) Fraud, never thought it would happen to me!

Shopping Facts Inc
This compony sent me a cashiers check of 4,998.00 and told me 300.00 was mine