Esbi - Usbi
Charged my local phone/DSL bill for six months without my knowledge

Education & Science

They did it to me also, my local Embarq phone Bill was outrageous so they offered to check the specifics for me, only to find out ESBI had been billing me $14.95 every month since September and without my consent! If it wasn't for the Embarq Customer Service lady I would've never known! Now they're going to credit $75.00 back to my account on May. F%&* thieves!

Company: Esbi - Usbi
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
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Esbi Embarq
Esbi—embarqesbi embarq ripoff-scam-fraud

ESBI Via Embarq
ESBI charge my Embarq phone bill for 19.99 for webhosting, these are unauthorized charges

Unauthorized voice mail services Ocala

Charged my Embarq phone bill 14.95 for email services I did not request

Charged on Embarq phone bill for unauthorized ESBI charges

Extended Services Billing Incorporated
(ESBI), Orbit Telecom Illicit Charges

Charged Embarq for voicemail services which were never ordered Ripoff

ESBi USBI Startec Inc. Total Protectionplus
They dug in my pocket while i wasn't looking and used my phone when i wasn't home

Unauthorized Billing Internet

Unauthorized Phone Charges