Ripoff, unfair, ripoff business from hell

Education & Science

I signed up for Leasecomm in 2001. I no longer have my home business. I am disabled and never made any money at the business. I spent alot of time in and out of hospitals. I am 100% disabled and only receive disability every month.

I consolidated my debts almost a year ago. I wasn't notified until last month that Leasecomm didn't accept the proposal from the debt consolidation company. I also noticed that I owed more than when I started. I called Leasecomm and explained my situation and they said I had to pay them $80.47 a month.

I told them that was impossible because I receive disability and I have to give myself injections every 6 hours and my medication isn't covered. I told them I could only pay $40 at the most and that would be stretching it but I'd do it.

I was then informed that I could pay $40 a month but most of it would go towards penalties.

I sent the payment anyway to try and now I've received a letter that they are going to put a judgement against me. I don't know what to do. No one plans to become disabled nor wants to be that way. I can't go without my medication and I also have children.

I need some advice on what I can do. I'm really scared what they're going to do. They continually harrass me with letters even after I tried to make things right. Please help. Any suggestions that anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Hubert, North Carolina

Company: Leasecomm
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Woburn
Address: 10-M Commerce Way
Phone: 7818900369
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Ripoff business from hell

E-Commerce, LeaseComm,
E-Commerce LeaseComm ripoff mistreated and scammed



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