Global Travel International And Monterey Financial
Global Travel International - Monterey Financial Services Called to cancel membership using their TOS, got cancellation # and still getting harrassed by Monterey Financial

Education & Science

Following the TOS of Global Travel International which states that once you are issued a cancellation number no further billings will occur. I called on 1.08.08 and spoke with Mr GTI to make sure that I did not miss their "30" day advance notice of cancellation and to explain to him that during Christmas 07 my identity had been compromised online and wanted to update my credit card info (which I did with GTI right then). He took my cancellation, issued a cancellation number. I asked if there was any further items/details that needed to be handled, he stated no that the cancellation was effective immediately and no further action was needed.

Getting harassing phone calls from Monterey Financial and the latest was with an MS Monterey Financial who told me that my account must be brought to date or my credit would be ruined for 7 and one half years.

Stay away from Global Travel who does not play by their own rules, can not keep their accounting straight (and yes I do have proof of my payments Mr GTI or Mr Monterey Financial that according to GTI TOS I owed under GTI TOS terms until cancellation number is issued)

Nice to know when you follow their rules that they don't even play by their rules and don't mind changing them in mid stream if need be to matching their own agenda.

BAD business practices, bad companies and just plain bad. STAY AWAY!!! Unless you like entertainment in the form of continuous biz changes, paying for a service that a) sucks b) no longer receiving, harassing phone calls and threats and not knowing what the next minute may bring.

Company: Global Travel International And Monterey Financial
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Maitland
Address: 2600 Lake Lucien Drive, Suite 201
Phone: 8009515977
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