Atlantic Circulation
Ex employee telling you all about it

Education & Science

I tryed to log in and it would not let me even tho i followed the help ques and everything feel free to post this for me... It may satisfy some of the issues ppl have. And answer some questions...

My name is jennifer i used to be an employee at atlantic circualtion i was in crew 012 and richard lamb the owner of the company was my crew leader!

It lasted roughly 6 mos. Of what i would like to call pure hell. It was in the winter when i was at a friends getting ready to go visit my family and 2 young people knocked on the door trying to see me a magazine and i told them i was not interested, then they asked if i would like a job with room and board and that you could get paid unlimited amounts of money for doing it. I accepted and left immediately. I was 18 years old.

When i got there they were all so pleasant in their hotel room that was set up as the bosses office. And we al stayed in a room with a roomate. The next daythey treated me like pie. So nice and cheered for me and taught me how to do my little spiel. After a week we went to colorado there we stayed 2 months everyday waking up at 7 am and finishing any where between 6-10 sometime even midnight. We had a quota of at least 6 sales... When we did not get the sales completed were were grounded to our room it did not matter how old you were u were not allowed out of that room to do n e thing...

Weeks went by i was doing ok at my sales and i finally liked a guy there... They thought because he did bad on his sales i should not be with him so they told us both they would fire us if we were with one another. Telling me if i wanna be strong then i have to be with a strong person and that he will bring me down to fail. They did this to everyone... And if they couldnt stop them they would fire the worst of the 2 with out notification. With all this pressure on us i was aware of the fact that employess would go to houses and steal things and if they got there amount for the day keep a couple orders in cash. If you had ten in one day you were considered a power seller. Any thing over that, is all about honesty.

I was paired up with a girl who was arrested stealing checks from an elderly woman and forging them. She was fired and arrested.

The contest is real. But it is not for school or churches or n e thing lik that and i will say they tell you specifically not to lie and say that it is, but they all do it anyway. Its not like the boss is standing right there. When it came time to quit. They would urge me to stay telling me they will give me a bus ticket home soon... And walking in the 2 foot snowin montana i came across a family who just so happened to live in michigan his whole life, he used to be a polic officer when i knocked on the door he smiled and said come in. And he could see tears in my eyes and could see i was freezing, he gave me a soda had me call my parents and gave me 20$ for food for the bus ride home. And on the way there we stopped at the hotel in which i was staying and atlantic circulation REFUSED to give me my belongings clothes etc they said they would mail it to me and that it was already in the truck to go. Naturally i never got the package.

All in all i was depressed the whole time as an employee, they try to motivate the managers to hit on the girls and sleep with them to motivate them to do well, they lie to you and when they are done you feel awful about being you. They make you feel like garbage, like a work horse. I tell you all of this but this is not even the whole story. What a shame!

Company: Atlantic Circulation
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philedalphia
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