Equity One / Popular Mortgage
Many state and federal violations in loan package

Education & Science

We started struggling early summer of 2007. We fell just 30 days behind in out mortgage and called to ask for help. We were told that we were going to be put in foreclosure status and when we asked how we were just 30 days. They said that it was their policy but they had a 2nd chance program and transferred us to a loan officer who said that they would put this payment (that we were behind on at the end of the term, give us a break for a month - so two payments at the end of the term and it would not cost us any fees no closing because it was a rbo). He would send someone to appraise us. He said this was the only way to keep us out of foreclosure status. Shame on me and my husband for not checking out all of this nonsense. They came to our house for closing & and our pricipal went up $22,000.00 and our interest rate was increased. They charged us approx $6000 in service fees. Our payment increased nearly $500 a month. We signed because we were so afraid to lose our home. We are sinking now. We have an attorney who has written them and pointed all of the violations in our loan. No response from PMSI. I have called weekly begging them to lower our interest rate to a reasonable rate so that we can afford our home. They just continue to threaten us. I am 30 days behind and have been since Novemeber. We are struggling so bad. We have gone to every housing help agencyin the Pittsburgh area. PMSI will not respond to anyone. I have been told to go more delinquent and then they might respond. I am afraid and cannot lose our home. We have 3 children and some months are so tight. If anyone knows how to get this company to work with us, please respond. I keep reading how mortgage companies are working with borrowers. How are they doing it? Help!

Company: Equity One / Popular Mortgage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Cherry Hill
Address: 121 Woodcrest Road Cherry Hill
Phone: 8003832292
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Freedom Mortgage Corporation
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Wilshire Credit
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American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc
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Ocwen Federal Bank
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