Coloncure SWM - Nubodi
Steals your money SCAM, seen several complaints

Education & Science

Man, what a rip-off! I ordered this product which said try it for 14 days but on the bottle it said a 7 day supply. Hows that work. Then i started to look under consumer responses to this product and company and almost every one of the responses said this company is a rip-off and cancel your credit card or your gonna get screwed. And sure enough i tried to call several times and after staying on hold several times i ended getting cut off and hung up on for three days in a row, I got a 89 dollar charge on my credit card.

Finally after the fifth day i got ahold of a cust. Ser. Rep. And told him what happened and all he said was well u should have been continuosly calling and calling and that all the negative responses were the people who could not read. So after getting rudely talked to and being called illiterate, i hung up and cancelled my credit card so the could not rip me off more. And the funny thing is i still have not recieved the product that i got charged for and it has been 11 days now. And now i want to at least get what i paid for and got ahold of someone today, and all they could tell me is our server is down. And i also just read the add again and now the terms have been re-written. What a total rip-off.

Company: Coloncure SWM - Nubodi
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: #231 5348 Vegas Dr. Las Vegas, Nevada 89108
Phone: 8012087485
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NuBodi, Or ColonCure
NuBodi Ordered product trial 7/8, arrived 7/19 and they charged my credit card 7/23 for the price of 30 day supply. There is no way that I can try the product for 4 days only, and was told to read the fine print

Anyone who got colon cure
Stupid people

Coloncure-swm - Nubodi
COLONCURE Unauthorized charges on Credit Card Scam

Spirit Incentives
Ripoff A year will go by and still no vacation

For ColonCure Unethical company ensures product pysically gets to you after free trial period so they can legally charge you $89 Las Vegas

Colon Cure Or SWM/NUBODI
ColonCure Or SWM/NUBODI On Credit Card Statement I ordered a FREE sample trial of ColonCure for $3.95 and the terms said if I did not cancel with 14 days after the trial, I would be charged $87.31 each month thereafter

Nubodi, Celebrity Fit Online, GreenTColon
Various merchant names, various phone numbers, ALL one company that repeats orders and bills! No way to CANCEL!

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff fraud unauthorized billings

Consumer Report

Trickery Fraud